

Examples from our community

4,756 results for 'ar'

vocalic "ar"
vocalic "ar" Spin the wheel
Vocalic R - /AR/
Vocalic R - /AR/ Image quiz
S1 U2 -ar verbs -Conversation Cards
S1 U2 -ar verbs -Conversation Cards Speaking cards
Ar Whack-a-Mole
Ar Whack-a-Mole Whack-a-mole
ar Anagram
-ar crossword
-ar crossword Crossword
AR Open the box
/ar/ Gameshow quiz
ar Matching pairs
-AR Wordsearch
ar Group sort
ar anagram
ar anagram Anagram
ar Quiz
ar Quiz Quiz
Vr sentence unjumble
Vr sentence unjumble Unjumble
-ar Words
-ar Words Speaking cards
AR verbs
AR verbs Match up
AR Multiplication match-up
AR Multiplication match-up Match up
-AR verbs
-AR verbs Quiz
ar words
ar words Image quiz
-ar words
-ar words Complete the sentence
7.1a -AR wordsearch
7.1a -AR wordsearch Wordsearch
ar & er
ar & er Group sort
or,ar Spin the wheel
AR Words
AR Words Matching pairs
-ar verbs
-ar verbs Find the match
AR - OR?
AR - OR? Maze chase
AR words
AR words Spin the wheel
AR verbs
AR verbs Spin the wheel
ar words
ar words Image quiz
/ar/ words
/ar/ words Complete the sentence
AR Words
AR Words Gameshow quiz
-AR verbs  Gameshow Quiz
-AR verbs Gameshow Quiz Gameshow quiz
BOOM! Bossy-R sentences (short)
BOOM! Bossy-R sentences (short) Speaking cards
BOOM! Bossy-R sentences (long)
BOOM! Bossy-R sentences (long) Speaking cards
Bossy-R unjumble sentences
Bossy-R unjumble sentences Unjumble
Spelling AR-
Spelling AR- Hangman
-ar Unjumble
Bossy-R unjumble sentences #2
Bossy-R unjumble sentences #2 Unjumble
ar Speaking cards
AR Group sort
Bossy-R word sort
Bossy-R word sort Group sort
AR Crossword
Ar and Or words
Ar and Or words Matching pairs
Regular - ar verb conjugation
Regular - ar verb conjugation Find the match
vR- or and ar
vR- or and ar Whack-a-mole
ar or or
ar or or Group sort
R-controlled vowel  "ar"
R-controlled vowel "ar" Hangman
AR Multiplication by 2
AR Multiplication by 2 Balloon pop
AR Verbs and Pronouns
AR Verbs and Pronouns Group sort
Bossy r /ar/
Bossy r /ar/ Whack-a-mole
Present Tense AR  Regular Verbs
Present Tense AR Regular Verbs Quiz
vR ar or multisylable
vR ar or multisylable Group sort
or and ar cards
or and ar cards Speaking cards
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