Examples from our community
49 results for 'artic'
Initial /f/ unicorn memory
Matching pairs
s blend artic st
Spin the wheel
s blend artic sk
Spin the wheel
s blend sp artic
Spin the wheel
Artic Shuffle: Initial /l/ Words
Speaking cards
Initial G Artic
Matching pairs
Christmas Match Up /sh/ /ch/ /j/ words
Matching pairs
artic screener
Open the box
Initial /G/ Words: Artic Shuffle
Speaking cards
Easy Onset Phrases
Spin the wheel
/R/ Articulation Valentine's Day Quiz
Gameshow quiz
Initial S Practice Phrases Matching
Matching pairs
s blend artic sm
Spin the wheel
sn blend artic
Spin the wheel
Easy Onset Holiday Matching
Matching pairs
pre-vocalic /r/ artic: phrases
Artic: Pre-vocalic /r/ phrases
Matching pairs
S artic
Open the box
s blend artic str
Spin the wheel
Multi Sound Artic Game
Speaking cards
spr s-blend artic
Spin the wheel
ER practice artic
Speaking cards
r artic speech
Spin the wheel
medial v artic
Spin the wheel
sh artic matching
Matching pairs
Artic Shuffle: initial /f/ words
Speaking cards
Artic: Pre-vocalic /r/ words
Watch and memorize
R artic
Spin the wheel
ER Artic
Spin the wheel
LSR artic
Open the box
Artic fox quiz
mixed artic
Spin the wheel
"Air" Artic Matching
Find the match
spl artic s blend
Spin the wheel
Names for artic
Spin the wheel
BB sentance artic
Speaking cards
"Air" Artic Match #2
Match up
FL Blends Artic
Spin the wheel
Fundations - Artic Animals
Open the box
Bluey Artic Matching
Matching pairs
Matching Artic - R, L, TH
Matching pairs
Artic Wheel: Initial /L/ Words
Speaking cards
American Indian Sort - Artic and Northwest
Group sort