
German Beginners language

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10,000+ results for 'german beginners language'

Tagesablauf Unjumble
Times of day / time
Times of day / time Group sort
das Haus
das Haus Labelled diagram
MK DSD - Freies Sprechen
MK DSD - Freies Sprechen Spin the wheel
Fragewörter Find the match
Personalpronomen - Objekte
Personalpronomen - Objekte Quiz
Wetter Match up
Die Zimmer im Haus
Die Zimmer im Haus Labelled diagram
Zahlen von 0 bis 100
Zahlen von 0 bis 100 Gameshow quiz
Das Verb "sein"
Das Verb "sein" Balloon pop
Wie siehst du aus?
Wie siehst du aus? Match up
Wortschatz - Die Uhrzeit (informal)
Wortschatz - Die Uhrzeit (informal) Labelled diagram
Farben Find the match
EET Sort
EET Sort Group sort
4 Step Directions
4 Step Directions Speaking cards
Pronouns - he, she, they #2
Pronouns - he, she, they #2 Quiz
Problem Solving Scenerios
Problem Solving Scenerios Open the box
Categories Spin the wheel
BCSS Position Concepts
BCSS Position Concepts Quiz
Taboo game (Id by description)
Taboo game (Id by description) Speaking cards
BCSS number concepts
BCSS number concepts Quiz
Compare & Contrast Set 1
Compare & Contrast Set 1 Speaking cards
Position Concepts
Position Concepts Find the match
Compare and Contrast #3
Compare and Contrast #3 Speaking cards
Modal Verbs
Modal Verbs Complete the sentence
Time Balloon pop
Bedroom Labelled diagram
Wh questions - Simple present
Wh questions - Simple present Unjumble
kitchen Labelled diagram
Wh - questions
Wh - questions Find the match
Living Room
Living Room Labelled diagram
Past simple x Present Perfect
Past simple x Present Perfect Quiz
Speech & Language: Describing common events
Speech & Language: Describing common events Speaking cards
Speech & Language: Describing common events
Speech & Language: Describing common events Speaking cards
Jokes: What's so funny?
Jokes: What's so funny? Quiz
WH Question Answers
WH Question Answers Group sort
Classroom language
Classroom language Flip tiles
Mixed up Sentences with Pronoun Targets
Mixed up Sentences with Pronoun Targets Unjumble
Past-Tense Regular and Irregular
Past-Tense Regular and Irregular Gameshow quiz
Fill in  Has/Have
Fill in Has/Have Quiz
Verben konjugieren
Verben konjugieren Spin the wheel
Plauderstunde:  Reisen
Plauderstunde: Reisen Spin the wheel
Mein Haus - Quiz
Mein Haus - Quiz Quiz
K4A Verb conjugation practice
K4A Verb conjugation practice Spin the wheel
Possessivpronomen Matching pairs
Trennbare Verben 1
Trennbare Verben 1 Complete the sentence
Expressive/Comparing Semantically Related Words/Speech & Language
Expressive/Comparing Semantically Related Words/Speech & Language Speaking cards
Lebst du gesund?
Lebst du gesund? Spin the wheel
111 Fragen
111 Fragen Speaking cards
Dativ-Objekte Quiz
Who questions/ community helpers /Speech & Language
Who questions/ community helpers /Speech & Language Match up
he / she listening comprehension
he / she listening comprehension Find the match
Feelings Inference Coyle
Feelings Inference Coyle Group sort
Figurative Language
Figurative Language Find the match
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