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569 results for 'c1'

C1 Reported Questions
C1 Reported Questions Quiz
NTE A 2.3  Vocabulary | adjectives to describe places
NTE A 2.3 Vocabulary | adjectives to describe places Match up
C1 Speaking Part 1 - Most frequent/possible questions.
C1 Speaking Part 1 - Most frequent/possible questions. Speaking cards
C1: Confusing Words 1
C1: Confusing Words 1 Quiz
C1 Collocations: Verb + Noun 1
C1 Collocations: Verb + Noun 1 Group sort
 b1 c1 d1 Aggettivi qualificativi
b1 c1 d1 Aggettivi qualificativi Spin the wheel
Speaking: C1 Phrasal Verbs 08
Speaking: C1 Phrasal Verbs 08 Open the box
Sort C1 -at/-an
Sort C1 -at/-an Group sort
C1 - The Continuous Aspect Speaking Promts
C1 - The Continuous Aspect Speaking Promts Open the box
C1 Collocations: Speaking
C1 Collocations: Speaking Open the box
C1 Flash cards
C1 Speaking cards
C1 Speaking cards
Happiness - Discussion
Happiness - Discussion Speaking cards
Speakout 2nd Edition C1 Unit 3 Noun Phrases
Speakout 2nd Edition C1 Unit 3 Noun Phrases Unjumble
Inversion (2)_Music_ C1
Inversion (2)_Music_ C1 Complete the sentence
Speakout Advanced U3 Listening Vocabulary
Speakout Advanced U3 Listening Vocabulary Match up
Idioms Match up
Conditionals Quiz
Collective nouns_Animals_Insects_Birds
Collective nouns_Animals_Insects_Birds Find the match
Speakout C1 Personality Vocabulary
Speakout C1 Personality Vocabulary Match up
Language Vocabulary Speakout C1 Unit 6
Language Vocabulary Speakout C1 Unit 6 Crossword
Speakout Advanced Unit 6 Predictions
Speakout Advanced Unit 6 Predictions Unjumble
Prepositional Phrases Speakout C1 Adv U6
Prepositional Phrases Speakout C1 Adv U6 Match up
Advanced Personality Adjectives 2
Advanced Personality Adjectives 2 Match up
Snapwords C1
Snapwords C1 Spin the wheel
C1 revision
C1 revision Speaking cards
adverbs (C1+)
adverbs (C1+) Speaking cards
C1 Mondays
C1 Mondays Speaking cards
Test C1
Test C1 Quiz
C1/C2_prep Unjumble
Revision C1
Revision C1 Speaking cards
Emotions C1
Emotions C1 Complete the sentence
Vocabulary C1
Vocabulary C1 Wordsearch
C1 SALUDOS Match up
PF/C1 Flip tiles
revision C1+
revision C1+ Speaking cards
C1 Adjectives
C1 Adjectives Match up
C1+ revision
C1+ revision Speaking cards
Places C1
Places C1 Complete the sentence
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