
Chinese Chinese character recognition

Examples from our community

10,000+ results for 'chinese chinese character recognition'

Chinese Greeting -T
Chinese Greeting -T Spin the wheel
Number in Chinese
Number in Chinese Spin the wheel
月份 Months
月份 Months Matching pairs
学颜色 Match up
Chinese New Year Zodiac
Chinese New Year Zodiac Speaking cards
Hobbies 爱好
Hobbies 爱好 Match up
Talking About Weather
Talking About Weather Find the match
身体 Labelled diagram
我感冒了 Gameshow quiz
家人 Family (2nd &3rd)
家人 Family (2nd &3rd) Labelled diagram
Pinyin Tone Practice
Pinyin Tone Practice Quiz
数字 Numbers 11-99
数字 Numbers 11-99 Match up
學華語開步走(注音Zhuyin)L1 - ㄧ 、ㄨ ㄚ
學華語開步走(注音Zhuyin)L1 - ㄧ 、ㄨ ㄚ Find the match
Four Seasons 四季
Four Seasons 四季 Matching pairs
十二生肖 Labelled diagram
Colors in Chinese 颜色
Colors in Chinese 颜色 Spin the wheel
日常活动 Watch and memorize
动物 Find the match
家人 Find the match
IC lesson Lesson 1~2
IC lesson Lesson 1~2 Whack-a-mole
我的朋友 Find the match
Rooms in a house
Rooms in a house Labelled diagram
Bk1L15 Body Parts
Bk1L15 Body Parts Match up
家庭樹 (Family Tree)
家庭樹 (Family Tree) Labelled diagram
更多量詞 Match up
季节 Find the match
FOOD (2)
FOOD (2) Whack-a-mole
第十二课 Find the match
pinyin game
pinyin game Balloon pop
数字 和 拼音
数字 和 拼音 Match up
日期 (Dates) Quiz
日期 (Dates) Quiz Gameshow quiz
Lunar New Year Quiz
Lunar New Year Quiz Gameshow quiz
3 第三课  日月山水 土木火
3 第三课 日月山水 土木火 Speaking cards
學華語開步走(注音Zhuyin)L4 - ㄠ、ㄧㄠ
學華語開步走(注音Zhuyin)L4 - ㄠ、ㄧㄠ Find the match
學華語開步走(注音Zhuyin)L7 - ㄨㄤ
學華語開步走(注音Zhuyin)L7 - ㄨㄤ Find the match
學華語開步走(注音Zhuyin)L9 - ㄆ
學華語開步走(注音Zhuyin)L9 - ㄆ Find the match
Clothes 衣服 (5th)
Clothes 衣服 (5th) Image quiz
Labelled diagram
Pronouns in Chinese
Pronouns in Chinese Group sort
Bk1L14 穿 or 戴
Bk1L14 穿 or 戴 Group sort
YCT 1 part 1 pictures
YCT 1 part 1 pictures Spin the wheel
这里这么干净 Gameshow quiz
身體詞彙 Speaking cards
Bk1L1 Text2 Basic Strokes
Bk1L1 Text2 Basic Strokes Match up
学校 or 家
学校 or 家 Group sort
Tell direction words
Tell direction words Match up
глаголы Flip tiles
學華語開步走(注音Zhuyin)L15 - ㄩㄣ、ㄩㄥ
學華語開步走(注音Zhuyin)L15 - ㄩㄣ、ㄩㄥ Find the match
Practice food word (1)
Practice food word (1) Match up
6 第六课  马牛羊  红蓝白
6 第六课 马牛羊 红蓝白 Open the box
學華語開步走 L5 - ㄧㄢ
學華語開步走 L5 - ㄧㄢ Find the match
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