Citizenship at nh
Examples from our community
4,804 results for 'citizenship at nh'
Federal and State Government Powers (Public)
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Checks and Balances (Public)
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How Many? (Public)
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Basic Definitions, Part One (Public)
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Citizenship History and Civics
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General Citizenship Questions - Spinner
Spin the wheel
Genereral Citizenship Questions, N-400
Speaking cards
Civics Questions (100)
Speaking cards
Digital Footprint Review
Open the box
Digital Footprint
True or false
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3 Branches of Government
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Declaration of Independence/Constitution
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Citizenship Crossword
Historical People
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Digital Citizenship
Maze chase
Digital Citizenship
Gameshow quiz
Citizenship Vocabulary
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The Branches of government and ...
Gameshow quiz
Thanksgiving: Past and Present
True or false
That's Private
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CIT - W2 Review Questions
Speaking cards
Requirements for US Citizenship
-AT Word Family
Spin the wheel
Week 1 and 2 Review
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The Pledge of Allegiance -- Fill in the blanks!
Complete the sentence
100 Civics Questions - Level 1 Citizenship Class
Flash cards
CIT W7 Wednesday - Understanding Commands
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W9 Civics - Cloze activity - judicial branch
Complete the sentence
Digital Citizenship
Getting to Know You
Spin the wheel
W5 Tuesday - Cold War Cloze
Complete the sentence
6 Oath Questions
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Activities I Do at Home
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Digital Citizenship
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New United States
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at Whack-a-Mole
Famous People (Public)
Matching pairs
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The 1800s (Public)
Complete the sentence
Great Documents (Public)
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The Civil War (Public)
Complete the sentence
The 1700s (Public)
Complete the sentence
The Recent 1900s (Public)
Complete the sentence
The Declaration of Independence (Public)
Complete the sentence
People in Our Government (Public)
Matching pairs
The U.S. Constitution, Part One (Public)
Complete the sentence
The U.S. Constitution, Part Two (Public)
Complete the sentence
The U.S. Constitution, Part Three (Public)
Complete the sentence
The 1900s (Public)
Complete the sentence
Presidents (Public)
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Digital Citizenship Matching
Matching pairs
Digital Citizenship - Fourth Grade
Gameshow quiz