Connection with kids
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10,000+ results for 'connection with kids'
Wheel of Questions
Spin the wheel
Would you rather?
Open the box
Matching pairs
Beep 3, Unit 3, Vocabulary: Characteristics
True or false
Beep 3, Unit 3, Vocabulary: Appearance
Labelled diagram
Beep 3, Unit 2, Vocabulary
Labelled diagram
Passé Composé with avoir
Word Sort with -all, -am, -an
Group sort
Simple present questions with I/we/you
Spin the wheel
Le passé composé avec avoir ou être?
True or false
Kids' games
Match up
le Passé composé: être ou avoir?
Group sort
le passé composé avec avoir ou être?
True or false
Candyland : Passé Composé ou Imparfait?
True or false
CVC Middle Sound
Digraph sort CVC
Group sort
2 syllable words with silent e
Spin the wheel
Find the nonsense word / Wilson 1.4
Gameshow quiz
CVC Digraphs
Present,Past, Future Tenses
Group sort
Simple Past, Present and Future Tense Verbs
Open the box
Vocabulary: Words with OU and OW
Open the box
Where is / where are
Open the box
Qu'est-ce que tu as fait le weekend dernier?
Speaking cards
Beep 3, Unit 4, Vocabulary
True or false
F2.5 Le passé composé réguliers avec AVOIR
Spin the wheel
Beep 3, Unit 1, Grammar: Prepositions
Open the box
Long u with magic e
Real/Not Real am and an words
Group sort
Making Connection with Flossie's Hat
Match up
Adding Suffixes - All Rules - Part 1
Gameshow quiz
Passé composé réguliers avec AVOIR/ missing word
Complete the sentence
KB 1 Unit 1 questions
Group sort
Suffix s and es CVC words
Simple present
Fr. 2 Révision du passé composé, questions 1-15
Spin the wheel
Digraphs th sh ch
Group sort
Kid's Box 1, Unit 1: Colors
Find the match
KB1_Numbers 1-10
Real or Not? CVC Wilson 1.3
Group sort
Wilson 1.1 Sentences
Complete the sentence
Connection Questions Deck #2
Open the box
Grammar/Spelling Connection -us/-ous
Group sort
les participes passés IRRÉGULIERS
Match up
Grammar/Spelling Connection -cal or -cle
Group sort
When Questions (deck 2)
Gameshow quiz