Conversation practice
Examples from our community
10,000+ results for 'conversation practice'
Get to Know You Questions
Open the box
English Conversation Cards (Conditional Tense)
Speaking cards
Conversational topics 1
Spin the wheel
Making Introductions Say it.
Spin the wheel
Random AP Conversation Practice
Spin the wheel
Conversation Practice 1A-Spanish 1
Spin the wheel
Conversation Starters for Kids
Spin the wheel
Emotions #1
Match up
Opinion Questions
Speaking cards
Spin the wheel
Spin the wheel
Speaking cards
Spin the wheel
Spin the wheel
Open the box
Random AP Conversation Practice
Spin the wheel
Open the box
Conversation Stoplight Practice
Group sort
Open the box
Phrasal Verbs in Conversational English
Complete the sentence
Traveling Quiz! Are you ready to travel?
Open the box
Practice Listening Skills and Conversation
Spin the wheel
Open the box
Talk About...
Spin the wheel
Conversation Starters!
Spin the wheel
Conversation Openers
Speaking cards
Initiate conversation
Spin the wheel
Conversation Questions
Speaking cards
Conversation Skills
Gameshow quiz
Conversation Rules
Spin the wheel
Conversation Wheel
Spin the wheel
Conversation Starters!
Spin the wheel
Conversation Topics
Spin the wheel
Spin the wheel
Conversation Game
Spin the wheel
Conversation Topics
Spin the wheel
Conversation Wheel
Spin the wheel
Conversation Wheel
Spin the wheel
Conditionals Conversation
Speaking cards
Conversation Cards
Speaking cards
Conversation Wheel
Spin the wheel
Conversation Skills
Gameshow quiz
Conversation Starters
Spin the wheel
Conversation Roulette
Spin the wheel
Conversation Wheel
Spin the wheel
Conversation Starters
Spin the wheel
2.3 Speakout Pre-Intermediate
Speaking cards
CORE AAC Verbs - "Would you rather..." Conversation Practice
Spin the wheel
Would You Rather...?
Open the box
Yes/No questions N-400
Spin the wheel
jumbled words
Conversation Starters Set 1
Speaking cards
I wish.. - ESL Conversation
Speaking cards
Conversation starter question wheel
Spin the wheel
WH Conversation Starters
Speaking cards
Conversation Wheel - Around School
Spin the wheel
Gerund/Infinitive Conversation Cards
Speaking cards