English language arts Short a
Examples from our community
10,000+ results for 'ela short a'
Short Vowel a and i Words for Fluency Practice
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Short a, i, o matching
Matching pairs
Short "oo" Whack-a-Mole
short /o/ cvc wds
Short a Whack-a-Mole
Short a
short /i/
Balloon pop
short /o/
short /o/
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Short a or Short i?
Group sort
short /i/
Gameshow quiz
Short a short i
Group sort
Short a short i
Group sort
Short-i and Short-a Words
Speaking cards
CVC (short a) Words
Spin the wheel
a, o, i phrases
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Short a or Long a
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Short A
Spin the wheel
short a
Spin the wheel
Short a
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Final Blends Balloon Pop
Balloon pop
short /a/ cvc words
Speaking cards
Short A
Group sort
Short a-- CVC Words
Short a Quiz
CVC Short /a/ Words
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ff, ll, ss best friends at the end balloon pop
Balloon pop
Short A Phonemic Awareness
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Short Vowel/Long Vowel (e/ee)
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OOPS game with digraphs and blends
Speaking cards
Short or Long? Use the correct vowel sound!
True or false
Short Vowel A - CVC Match
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CVC Short a & i Words
Spin the wheel
Short a Whack a Mole
Short a and short i
Speaking cards
Short a or short i?
Gameshow quiz
Short a and short i
Group sort
Short O/Short A Sort
Group sort
Short-A or Short-E?
Match up
CVC & HFW cumulative review
Spin the wheel
Short or Long Vowel? (closed or v-e?)
True or false
CVC sentences mystery game
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Short a and e Sort
Group sort
Short A Words
Short i Whack A Mole
Drawing Conclusions 3
Speaking cards
A / AN
Group sort
Short a Reading Practice
Open the box
Unscramble Short a Words
SPIRE Short (a) sentences
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CVC short a sounds
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Short 'a' CVC Words
Match up
long and short A
Group sort