Finnish opinion
Examples from our community
729 results for 'finnish opinion'
Nimeäminen, sananlöytäminen
Spin the wheel
Would You Rather???
Spin the wheel
Spin the wheel
Spin the wheel
Opinion Questions
Speaking cards
Open the box
Fact or Opinion
Group sort
Fact vs Opinion
Gameshow quiz
Fact vs Opinion
Gameshow quiz
Fact or Opinion
Group sort
Conversation Game - Opinion Writing
Speaking cards
Fact vs. Opinion
Group sort
Fact and Opinion
Balloon pop
Fact vs Opinion
Group sort
Fact and Opinion
Group sort
Fact or Opinion?
Group sort
Fact and Opinion
Fact or Opinion
Maze chase
Fact vs. Opinion
Gameshow quiz
Opinion and Reasons
Group sort
Fact or Opinion?
True or false
Fact and Opinion
Gameshow quiz
Fact and Opinion
Group sort
Fact and Opinion
Gameshow quiz
Fact or Opinion?
Fact or Opinion
Opinion Paragraph
Rank order
Suomen kartta
Labelled diagram
Verb pictures, no words
Speaking cards
Ihmisen sisäelimet
Labelled diagram
Christmas Fact and Opinion
Gameshow quiz
Fact and Opinion
Group sort
Fact or Opinion 2
Maze chase
Mihin sattuu? Minun selkäÄN sattuu.
Flip tiles
Fact and Opinion
Open the box
Is this a FACT or an OPINION
Open the box
Valentine's Day Fact and Opinion Sort
Group sort
Fact or Opinion
Spin the wheel
Opinion Writing
Spin the wheel
Opinion Writing
Match up
Le petit déjeuner: opinion
Speaking cards
Kevät sanoja
Spin the wheel
Fact Versus Opinion
Group sort
Fact or Opinion?
Group sort
Fact and Opinion Sort
Group sort
Fact/Opinion Topic Prompts
Speaking cards
Opinion and Evidence
Match up
Fact or Opinion Game
Maze chase
Opinion Writing Wheel
Spin the wheel
Kysymykset: Elämäntarina
Speaking cards
Objekti: Partitiivi vai genetiivi? Puhu ryhmässä.
Speaking cards
New Years Fact vs Opinion
Gameshow quiz
Transition Words for Opinion Writing
Group sort
L.A GR 2 - LESSON 14
Gameshow quiz
Ongelmat. Mitä täytyy/pitää tehdä?
Speaking cards
Checking My Thoughts - Facts versus Opinion
Group sort