Examples from our community
129 results for 'irla'

2G Power Words
Complete the sentence

2R -able Suffix
Complete the sentence

IRLA 2B Powerwords
Speaking cards

IRLA 1B Powerwords
Speaking cards

1G Power Words
Complete the sentence

IRLA -- 1-Blue
Spin the wheel

IRLA 1R Powerwords
Speaking cards

1R Hard Prefixes and Suffixes
Complete the sentence

1G IRLA v2
Match up

IRLA 2Green L Blends
Labelled diagram

IRLA -- 2-Red
Speaking cards

Spin the wheel

IRLA Vocab_B2
Match up

IRLA Vocab_O
Match up

2B Single and Double Consonants
Group sort

Pu Latin Root -dict-

IRLA -- 2-Green
Speaking cards

2B Three Syllable Words
Complete the sentence

Or Greek Root -geo-

2B Vowel Patterns
Complete the sentence

Pu Latin Root -mal-
Complete the sentence

2B Inflectional Endings

Or Latin Root -sci-
Find the match

Or Greek Root -gen-
Matching pairs

2R un- Prefix
Matching pairs

1R Easy Word Beginnings and Suffixes

Pu Latin Root -lab-
Balloon pop

Pu Greek Root -para-
Balloon pop

Pu Greek Root -cracy- / -crat- Word Sort
Group sort

Pu Greek Root -aut- / -auto- Word Sort
Group sort

Or Latin Root -fract- / -frag- Word Sort
Group sort

Arabic-English 2G Direction Words
Balloon pop

Arabic-English 2G Family Members

Or Greek Root -eco-
Match up

Or Greek Roots
Find the match

2R Vowels Split

Wt -less Suffixes
Complete the sentence

Arabic-English 2G Days of the Week
Match up

Wt -en Suffixes

Wt im-, in-, ill- ,and ir- Prefix Sort
Group sort

Wt -ish Suffixes
Match up

Or Greek Root -schem-

Pu Greek Roots
Match up

Wt -able Suffixes
Complete the sentence
1B Zone 2 Vowel Teams and Silent E
Complete the sentence
2G Shapes
Labelled diagram
Or Latin Root -grad-
Complete the sentence
Or Greek Root -log-
Match up
Pu Latin Root -ment-
Balloon pop
Pu Greek Root -pol-
Complete the sentence
Pu Greek Root -ism-
Matching pairs
2B - IRLA Sight Words
Spell the word
Pu Latin Root -lib-
Match up
Or Latin Root -semi-
Matching pairs
2R Soft c
Complete the sentence
Wt -ful Suffixes
Balloon pop
Wt dis- Prefixes
Wt un- Prefixes
Complete the sentence