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65 results for 'ite'

ite/ate Matching pairs
10.1 What says ite/ate/ine? Wilson 10.1
10.1 What says ite/ate/ine? Wilson 10.1 Gameshow quiz
ate ite ine Wilson 10.1
ate ite ine Wilson 10.1 Spin the wheel
-ate/-ite memory
-ate/-ite memory Matching pairs
6.11 ITE and ATE Units
6.11 ITE and ATE Units Speaking cards
6.11 ITE and ATE Units
6.11 ITE and ATE Units Matching pairs
3 sounds of ITE
3 sounds of ITE Open the box
ite ate words
ite ate words Crossword
gram to ite
gram to ite Match up
Week #25, -ite words
Week #25, -ite words Match up
Week 25 Words ( -ite, -ine )
Week 25 Words ( -ite, -ine ) Matching pairs
6.11 ITE and ATE Units
6.11 ITE and ATE Units Balloon pop
6.11 ITE and ATE Units
6.11 ITE and ATE Units Wordsearch
-ite pronounciation /īt/ or /ət/
-ite pronounciation /īt/ or /ət/ Balloon pop
-ate pronounciation /āt/ or /ət/
-ate pronounciation /āt/ or /ət/ Balloon pop
conveyor belt memory -ate, -ite
conveyor belt memory -ate, -ite Watch and memorize
-ight or -ite Whack A Mole
-ight or -ite Whack A Mole Whack-a-mole
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