
Kindergarten Chinese Word zhuyin

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10,000+ results for 'kindergarten chinese word zhuyin'

Pinyin bpmf
Pinyin bpmf Speaking cards
Reviwe 1 p.12 : II
Reviwe 1 p.12 : II Speaking cards
Lesson 11
Lesson 11 Speaking cards
Lesson 6 : words 01
Lesson 6 : words 01 Speaking cards
Lesson 1~5 Words Exercise
Lesson 1~5 Words Exercise Speaking cards
Lesson 5 Pinyin Review
Lesson 5 Pinyin Review Open the box
十二生肖 Speaking cards
Numbers, Chinese
Numbers, Chinese Balloon pop
CCK Fruit train game
CCK Fruit train game Balloon pop
头脸 Head & Face
头脸 Head & Face Spin the wheel
Fruits Spin the wheel
身体 Bodies
身体 Bodies Quiz
pinyin Speaking cards
遊戲數一數6~10 Find the match
颜色 Colors
颜色 Colors Find the match
學華語開步走(注音Zhuyin)L1 - ㄧ 、ㄨ ㄚ
學華語開步走(注音Zhuyin)L1 - ㄧ 、ㄨ ㄚ Find the match
-ub Word Family
-ub Word Family Spin the wheel
Word Families (-et, -ed, -en)
Word Families (-et, -ed, -en) Flip tiles
Fundations Unit 1 Week 3-Kindergarten
Fundations Unit 1 Week 3-Kindergarten Open the box
-et Word Family
-et Word Family Spin the wheel
-op Word Family
-op Word Family Spin the wheel
-ut Word Family
-ut Word Family Spin the wheel
-ot Word Family
-ot Word Family Spin the wheel
-ab Word Family
-ab Word Family Spin the wheel
學華語開步走(注音Zhuyin)L15 - ㄩㄣ、ㄩㄥ
學華語開步走(注音Zhuyin)L15 - ㄩㄣ、ㄩㄥ Find the match
學華語開步走 L5 - ㄧㄢ
學華語開步走 L5 - ㄧㄢ Find the match
水果 Find the match
學華語開步走(注音Zhuyin)L16 - ㄇㄈ、ㄐㄩ、ㄛㄜ
學華語開步走(注音Zhuyin)L16 - ㄇㄈ、ㄐㄩ、ㄛㄜ Find the match
學華語開步走(注音Zhuyin) L4 - ㄡ、ㄧㄡ
學華語開步走(注音Zhuyin) L4 - ㄡ、ㄧㄡ Find the match
學華語開步走(注音Zhuyin)L4 - ㄠ、ㄧㄠ
學華語開步走(注音Zhuyin)L4 - ㄠ、ㄧㄠ Find the match
學華語開步走(注音Zhuyin)L7 - ㄨㄤ
學華語開步走(注音Zhuyin)L7 - ㄨㄤ Find the match
學華語開步走(注音Zhuyin)L9 - ㄆ
學華語開步走(注音Zhuyin)L9 - ㄆ Find the match
學華語開步走 L6 - ㄣ
學華語開步走 L6 - ㄣ Find the match
學華語開步走(注音Zhuyin)L10 - ㄊ
學華語開步走(注音Zhuyin)L10 - ㄊ Match up
學華語開步走(注音Zhuyin)L9 - ㄇ
學華語開步走(注音Zhuyin)L9 - ㄇ Match up
學華語開步走 L7 - ㄤ  ㄧㄤ
學華語開步走 L7 - ㄤ ㄧㄤ Find the match
學華語開步走(注音Zhuyin)L16 - ㄦ
學華語開步走(注音Zhuyin)L16 - ㄦ Find the match
學華語開步走(注音Zhuyin)L9 - ㄈ
學華語開步走(注音Zhuyin)L9 - ㄈ Find the match
老师、同学、朋友、来 Airplane
你从哪里来 Find the match
學華語開步走 L6 - ㄧㄣ ㄨㄣ
學華語開步走 L6 - ㄧㄣ ㄨㄣ Find the match
Word Families (-et, -ed, -en)
Word Families (-et, -ed, -en) Anagram
Counting Find the match
Seasons of the year
Seasons of the year Labelled diagram
Chinese New Year Memory
Chinese New Year Memory Matching pairs
Chinese Greeting -T
Chinese Greeting -T Spin the wheel
Find the Gold!
Find the Gold! Flip tiles
 家庭Family members--幼儿园
家庭Family members--幼儿园 Match up
-ap Word Family
-ap Word Family Match up
-ag Word Family
-ag Word Family Spin the wheel
Family members 家人
Family members 家人 Spin the wheel
-at Word Family
-at Word Family Spin the wheel
-ad Word Family
-ad Word Family Spin the wheel
-op Word Wheel
-op Word Wheel Spin the wheel
Short E Word Match
Short E Word Match Matching pairs
Word Wall Words
Word Wall Words Speaking cards
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