Kindergarten Fundations kindergarten
Examples from our community
10,000+ results for 'kindergarten fundations kindergarten'
Fundations Unit 1 Week 3-Kindergarten
Open the box
Kindergarten Fundations Unit 5 Sentences
Open the box
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Seasons of the year
Labelled diagram
Sound Cards
Speaking cards
Fundations Unit 1 Week 12
Speaking cards
Some Letters and Keywords
Spin the wheel
Standard Sound Cards
Speaking cards
Unit 1, Week 7
Spin the wheel
Valentine CVC search
Flip tiles
/a/, /o/ initial sound sort
Group sort
Bitmoji Teachers 1: cvc & words with digraphs Unit 4
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Match Uppercase & Lowercase Letters (week 5)
Gameshow quiz
Real or Nonsense Words CVC
True or false
Beginning Sounds
Speaking cards
Fundations Standard Letter Cards
Speaking cards
Fundations Holiday Game
Open the box
Fundations Letter Wheel
Spin the wheel
Counting objects 1 - 10
Match up
Fundations Trick Words 1-15
Matching pairs
Kindergarten - Fundations Unit 3 Trick Words
Spin the wheel
Sentences Unit 5.1: Dog, Cat & Pig
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Unit 5 Week 3 Sentence Reading
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Unit 5 Week 6 Sentence Reading
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CVC sentences mystery game
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Unit 5 Week 5: Sentence Reading
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Fundations Sound Drill Cards
Speaking cards
t Sound Sort (beginning or end?)
Group sort
Beginning Letter Sounds (Fundations t-r)
Spin the wheel
Weeks 1-4 Fundations Beginning Sounds
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Letters t, b, f
Group sort
Letter (oral) key word match part 1
Matching pairs
CVC Words beginning with b and d
Match up
Trick Words Level K Review
Matching letters to key word pictures
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Trick Words - Level K Review
Spin the wheel
-op Word Family
Spin the wheel
Letter g or n
Group sort
Letter S Words
five senses quiz
Rhyme Wheel
Spin the wheel
Open the box
Letter Sounds
Spin the wheel
-at Word Family Match
Match up
Middle Sounds
Short a and short i
Group sort
-ut Word Family
Spin the wheel
L Sound Initial- set 1
Matching pairs
Letter Sounds with Lower Case Letters
Spin the wheel
Letters t, b, f
Group sort
CVC words