Kindergarten Reading
Examples from our community
10,000+ results for 'kindergarten reading'
Barton 2.5
Win or lose quiz
Barton 2.5
Match up
Magic e Words with Pictures
Spin the wheel
3.2 B & D Confusion
Barton 2.5
Matching pairs
Unit 5 Week 6 Sentence Reading
Find the match
Unit 5 Week 3 Sentence Reading
Find the match
Unit 5 Week 5: Sentence Reading
Find the match
Sentences Unit 5.1: Dog, Cat & Pig
Find the match
Barton 2.2 Read Words
Matching pairs
CVC - Spin to Win
Spin the wheel
-at Word Family word search
Find the match
2.3 Phrase Boom!
Speaking cards
2.1 Boom!
Speaking cards
3.1 Ending Blend Match-mp, nt, nd, lt, lk
Group sort
UFLI Lesson 50 Heart Word Review
Speaking cards
Funny Animal Boom - Letter Sounds Barton Level 1
Speaking cards
Barton 2.3
Matching pairs
3.4 --NCH Anagrams
Barton 2.2 Letter/Sound
Gameshow quiz
3.3 Match words with pictures
Match up
3.4 --LCH Anagrams
5.1 Boom!
Speaking cards
2.2 Boom!
Speaking cards
Barton 3.08 NG NK Units
Flying fruit
vowel sort
Group sort
2.5 Phrase Boom!
Speaking cards
2.5 Boom!
Speaking cards
Barton 3.02 Blends at the Beginning
Complete the sentence
2.4 Boom!
Speaking cards
Barton 3.01 Sight Words
matching pictures to words -at
Matching pairs
October Sentences
Match up
CVC Decoding 2
Match up
-at Word Family word search
-op word family match
Matching pairs
YES/NO OCEAN ANIMALS (COmmotion in the Ocean)
True or false
Decoding CVC Words
Open the box
Letters t, b, f
Group sort
Sort by number of syllables
Group sort
Fundations Trick Words 1-15
Matching pairs
Spin the wheel
L Sound Initial- set 1
Matching pairs
אותיות א-י
Balloon pop
/a/, /o/ initial sound sort
Group sort
Fundations Standard Letter Cards
Speaking cards
L blend quiz
Open the box
CVC words
-op Word Family
Spin the wheel
Letter S Words
Letter Sounds with Lower Case Letters
Spin the wheel