Kindergarten Phonics Rla
Examples from our community
10,000+ results for 'kindergarten phonics rla'
Y, W, V Initial Sound Sort
Group sort
Gameshow quiz
Sound Sort
Group sort
Count Syllables
Ending Sound Sort
Group sort
Rhyming Pictures
Gameshow quiz
Tap / Blend / Match
Find the match
Wk 2 n,m Letter Sound Fluency Cards
Speaking cards
Dinosaur Hunt / Floor is Lava
Flip tiles
Fundations Sounds- Flip Tiles
Flip tiles
Words beginning with b and d
Match up
CVC word matching
Match up
Fundations Sounds- Flip Tiles (- pictures)
Flip tiles
Read & Flip words with digraphs
Flip tiles
initial or final /sh/
Group sort
Matching pairs
Letters t, b, f
Group sort
t, b, f sound sort
Group sort
Prefix and Suffix
digraph /th/
Group sort
Letter Sort (w and v)
Group sort
cvc word fluency deck 3
Speaking cards
cvc word fluency deck 1
Speaking cards
cvc Bingo words
Flip tiles
Letter and Keyword
Find the match
Sound Sort /qu/ /k/ /w/
Group sort
cvc word fluency deck 4
Speaking cards
cvc word fluency deck 2
Speaking cards
Short o Spinner
Spin the wheel
Tap / Blend / Drag the picture down
Match up
Sound sort m, n, t
Group sort
t Sound Sort (beginning or end?)
Group sort
cvc words for games
Speaking cards
CVC sentences mystery game
Find the match
Word Building pics 1 (short u & a cvc words)
Flip tiles
Match up
Match up
/sh/ words (3 sounds)
Match up
Tap / blend / match
Find the match
Heart Word Assessment
Flash cards
S blends (beginning)
Find the match
Gameshow quiz
Fundations Unit 1 Week 3-Kindergarten
Open the box
Digraph Game - th, ch, & sh
Open the box
ALPHABET upper and lower case
Speaking cards
Match Letters and sounds
Gameshow quiz
Find the Diagraph
Gameshow quiz
alphabet letters
Open the box
short vowel sounds
Group sort
Kindergarten Fun Phonics Unit 4 Week 3 Trick Words
Matching pairs
Kindergarten Fun Phonics Unit 5 Week 4
Matching pairs
Kindergarten Fun Phonics Unit 4 Digraphs
Matching pairs