Language learning
Examples from our community
10,000+ results for 'language learning'
Preposições: EM, NO ou NA? (PLE A1)
Gameshow quiz
Preposições: PARA ou POR? (A1 PLE)
Complete the sentence
EET Sort
Group sort
4 Step Directions
Speaking cards
Spin the wheel
Taboo game (Id by description)
Speaking cards
Problem Solving Scenerios
Open the box
BCSS number concepts
Compare & Contrast Set 1
Speaking cards
Compare and Contrast #3
Speaking cards
Object function questions Set 2
Open the box
Position Concepts
Find the match
Would you rather...
Speaking cards
Modal Verbs
Complete the sentence
Labelled diagram
Labelled diagram
Living Room
Labelled diagram
Speech & Language: Describing common events
Speaking cards
Speech & Language: Describing common events
Speaking cards
WH Question Answers
Group sort
Classroom language
Flip tiles
Past-Tense Regular and Irregular
Gameshow quiz
Fill in Has/Have
he / she listening comprehension
Find the match
Matching Feelings
Matching pairs
coping tools I can use
Gameshow quiz
Lessico: La città
Find the match
Feelings Inference Coyle
Group sort
Emotions Wheel (Happy & Sad)
Spin the wheel
Synonyms #1 Random Wheel
Spin the wheel
Social Thinking - Getting to know YOU!
Spin the wheel
R.E.S.P.E.C.T...and a Few Mystery Questions!
Open the box
Feelings Memory Game
Matching pairs
Figurative Language
Find the match
Figurative Language Match-Up
Match up
Conditional Directions Set 2
Speaking cards
Object function questions Set 1
Open the box
Compare and Contrast Set 4
Spin the wheel
Conditional Directions Set 1
Speaking cards
Figurative Language Examples
Match up
Inference scenerios-No pictures
Spin the wheel
Flip tiles
Subject and Predicate Sort
Group sort
Past continuous
Figurative Language (Open the box)
Open the box
figurative language
Group sort
WH Question Answers 2
Group sort