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360 results for 'lss'

CKLA Tricky words Unit 2
CKLA Tricky words Unit 2 Matching pairs
Open and Closed Syllables
Open and Closed Syllables Maze chase
Vowel Teams
Vowel Teams Spin the wheel
41.3 Say the Last Sound
41.3 Say the Last Sound Speaking cards
Emergent Sight Word Phrases List 1
Emergent Sight Word Phrases List 1 Spin the wheel
PP #26
PP #26 Flip tiles
Sight Word Phrases
Sight Word Phrases Spin the wheel
Sight Word Phrases List 1
Sight Word Phrases List 1 Spin the wheel
Phrases for Fluency
Phrases for Fluency Speaking cards
Emergent Sight Word Phrases List 2
Emergent Sight Word Phrases List 2 Spin the wheel
First Grade-U1-CKLA- Tricky Word
First Grade-U1-CKLA- Tricky Word Spin the wheel
 Sight Word Scramble
Sight Word Scramble Anagram
CKLA U1L5 Phrases/Sentences
CKLA U1L5 Phrases/Sentences Spin the wheel
Grade 2 CKLA-Unit 1-Tricky Words
Grade 2 CKLA-Unit 1-Tricky Words Spin the wheel
VCe match up
VCe match up Match up
closed, open, vce syllables
closed, open, vce syllables Gameshow quiz
CKLA K.3 /o,k,g,i/ Initial Sound Picture Sort
CKLA K.3 /o,k,g,i/ Initial Sound Picture Sort Group sort
Short i only
Short i only Whack-a-mole
SFEI Lesson 15.6
SFEI Lesson 15.6 Group sort
PP #36 Matching
PP #36 Matching Matching pairs
PP #31 Digraph sh
PP #31 Digraph sh Open the box
23.7 SFEI Letter Matching #2
23.7 SFEI Letter Matching #2 Find the match
CKLA 21.3
CKLA 21.3 Anagram
Does it have an l-blend?
Does it have an l-blend? Whack-a-mole
PP #32 Digraph ch
PP #32 Digraph ch Open the box
Short e only
Short e only Whack-a-mole
PP #51
PP #51 Matching pairs
PP #41 Matching
PP #41 Matching Matching pairs
Kinder Tricky Words Decodable Units 3-5
Kinder Tricky Words Decodable Units 3-5 Speaking cards
Vowel Sounds (Vowel Teams & Diphthongs)
Vowel Sounds (Vowel Teams & Diphthongs) Spin the wheel
Sight Words PP2 short i
Sight Words PP2 short i Speaking cards
Kinder Tricky Words Decodable Units 6-9
Kinder Tricky Words Decodable Units 6-9 Speaking cards
Kinder Tricky Words Decodable Units 10
Kinder Tricky Words Decodable Units 10 Speaking cards
SFEI Lesson 12
SFEI Lesson 12 Find the match
Kinder Tricky Words/DOLCH words all units
Kinder Tricky Words/DOLCH words all units Speaking cards
Whack-a-Mole= short u
Whack-a-Mole= short u Whack-a-mole
Beginning sound M
Beginning sound M Group sort
a/t sort
a/t sort Whack-a-mole
How Many Sounds?
How Many Sounds? Quiz
Schwa Sort
Schwa Sort Group sort
Schwa Sort
Schwa Sort Group sort
CKLA G1U4L1 Open the box
Tricky Words-CKLA 1st Grade
Tricky Words-CKLA 1st Grade Spin the wheel
CKLA Sound Cards
CKLA Sound Cards Flash cards
Blast Unit 18-Schwa in Open and Closed syllables
Blast Unit 18-Schwa in Open and Closed syllables Wordsearch
CKLA 3 /c,o,a,d/ Sound Sort
CKLA 3 /c,o,a,d/ Sound Sort Group sort
CKLA K Skills 3/4  Beginning Sounds
CKLA K Skills 3/4 Beginning Sounds Open the box
 VCe syllable practice
VCe syllable practice Anagram
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