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610 results for 'plurals'

Plural endings S/ES [WtW 9.45 within word spellers]
Plural endings S/ES [WtW 9.45 within word spellers] Group sort
Plurals Group sort
Plurals Maze chase
Plural endings S / ES (part b) [WtW 9.45 within word]
Plural endings S / ES (part b) [WtW 9.45 within word] Group sort
Plurals Airplane
Plurals Whack-a-mole
Plurals Speaking cards
Plural Words Sort - es, s, irregular words
Plural Words Sort - es, s, irregular words Group sort
Irregular Plurals
Irregular Plurals Image quiz
Irregular plurals
Irregular plurals Whack-a-mole
Irregular plurals
Irregular plurals Quiz
Irregular plurals
Irregular plurals Matching pairs
Irregular plurals
Irregular plurals Gameshow quiz
Regular Plurals
Regular Plurals Spin the wheel
Irregular Plurals
Irregular Plurals Spin the wheel
Plurals Spin the wheel
Plurals Complete the sentence
True or False Plurals
True or False Plurals True or false
Plurals Whack-a-mole
Plurals Group sort
Plurals: -s and -es
Plurals: -s and -es True or false
Irregular Plurals Memory Game
Irregular Plurals Memory Game Matching pairs
Irregular Plurals
Irregular Plurals Maze chase
Irregular Plurals
Irregular Plurals Speaking cards
Irregular Plurals
Irregular Plurals Open the box
Winter Plurals
Winter Plurals Gameshow quiz
Irregular Plurals
Irregular Plurals Whack-a-mole
WRS 2.4 with plurals DBG
WRS 2.4 with plurals DBG Speaking cards
Barton 5.1 Plurals S or ES?
Barton 5.1 Plurals S or ES? True or false
Grade 2 Plurals
Grade 2 Plurals Match up
Barton 5.01 Plurals
Barton 5.01 Plurals Wordsearch
3.1 double consonants with plurals
3.1 double consonants with plurals Anagram
Irregular Plurals Anagram
Irregular Plurals Anagram Anagram
 Irregular plurals
Irregular plurals Gameshow quiz
Plurals & Apostrophes
Plurals & Apostrophes Maze chase
mixed plurals
mixed plurals Speaking cards
Irregular plurals
Irregular plurals Whack-a-mole
Barton 5.01 Plurals
Barton 5.01 Plurals Win or lose quiz
Irregular Plurals
Irregular Plurals Maze chase
Irregular Plurals
Irregular Plurals Spin the wheel
Barton 5.01 Plurals
Barton 5.01 Plurals Hangman
Barton 5.01 Plurals
Barton 5.01 Plurals Flying fruit
Wild animals: It's a ___ / They're ___
Wild animals: It's a ___ / They're ___ Open the box
PLURALS Group sort
plurals Speaking cards
Plurals Speaking cards
Plurals Spin the wheel
Plurals Gameshow quiz
2B Plurals of nouns and articles
2B Plurals of nouns and articles Match up
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