
PreK Mathematics

Examples from our community

10,000+ results for 'prek math'

How many frogs?
How many frogs? Speaking cards
Shapes Find the match
one-to-one correspondence
one-to-one correspondence Match up
1-10 matching quantities
1-10 matching quantities Quiz
Shape Wheel
Shape Wheel Spin the wheel
Numeral & Quantity
Numeral & Quantity Find the match
number ID & quantity 1-10 cards
number ID & quantity 1-10 cards Quiz
Color Monster
Color Monster Spin the wheel
Spin the Direction!
Spin the Direction! Spin the wheel
Number Word&Quantity
Number Word&Quantity Balloon pop
Numeral to Word&Quantity
Numeral to Word&Quantity Balloon pop
Number, Quantity, and Word Spinner
Number, Quantity, and Word Spinner Spin the wheel
number recognition 1-20
number recognition 1-20 Spin the wheel
Penguins Open the box
Tarjetas de colores
Tarjetas de colores Speaking cards
Shape Match Up / Emparejar Formas
Shape Match Up / Emparejar Formas Find the match
Letter Wheel
Letter Wheel Spin the wheel
Color box
Color box Open the box
Monkey match
Monkey match Match up
Count the pumpkins
Count the pumpkins Spin the wheel
How many snow people?
How many snow people? Spin the wheel
11-20 matching quantities
11-20 matching quantities Quiz
ESL 1.2.a Numbers 1-20 Flying Fruit
ESL 1.2.a Numbers 1-20 Flying Fruit Flying fruit
Numbers Match up
Multiplication Spin the wheel
Ten Friends
Ten Friends Matching pairs
Addition up to 5
Addition up to 5 Match up
Adding integers
Adding integers Airplane
ordered pairs
ordered pairs Labelled diagram
Integers Maze chase
Sums of 10
Sums of 10 Whack-a-mole
Colors Gameshow quiz
Making Ten Addition
Making Ten Addition Balloon pop
Slopes of Lines
Slopes of Lines Group sort
Even or Odd Numbers
Even or Odd Numbers Balloon pop
Money Find the match
Place Value 1.d
Place Value 1.d Find the match
colors matching
colors matching Find the match
Addition Facts
Addition Facts Speaking cards
Touch Math Addition
Touch Math Addition Open the box
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