Si impersonale
Examples from our community
561 results for 'si impersonale'
Al ristorante
Group sort
In farmacia
Group sort
Italiano IV Si impersonale & Si passivante
Group sort
Metric Length Measurement Warm - Up!
Open the box
Questions: Si + imparfait → Conditionnel
Flip tiles
-ck Sick Nick (Barton L3L7)
Complete the sentence
Sh spelled ci,si, ti
Group sort
pratica_Si impersonale
Complete the sentence
ti, ci, si
Falando sobre si mesmo
Spin the wheel
les conjugaisons avec "si"
Group sort
La forma impersonale
Complete the sentence
Sh spelled ci,si, ti
Matching pairs
8.2 Sorting ti, ci, si
Group sort
Group sort
8.1 Digraphs TI, SI, CI
Group sort
Water Displacement
8.1b ti, ci, si words Boom!
Speaking cards
ti, si, ci, xi
Group sort
Si clauses - Quel Temps???
Group sort
Si imparfait / conditionnel questions
Spin the wheel
Si clauses COND IMP
Gameshow quiz
ci ti si words
Speaking cards
Barton level 8 Si, Ci, and Ti Sort Game
Group sort
ci, ti, si as /sh/
Group sort
Si impersonale
Group sort
Group sort
Si tu...
Si impersonale - create il si impersonale giusto
Spin the wheel
NE1.Si impersonale
Complete the sentence
2.Si impersonale
Complete the sentence
Rouge Unité 5 - Le futur avec SI et QUAND
Speaking cards
Maze chase
Rouge Unité 8 - La concordance des temps avec SI
Complete the sentence
Sa Se Si
Group sort
SI Closing 10.30.20
Group sort
SI Chapter 11
Find the match
Cláusulas con si
Spin the wheel
Phrases avec si
Spin the wheel
Si impersonale - forma le frasi
Speaking cards
si tu pouvais... conversations
Spin the wheel
SI Session 10.13.20
Group sort
Questions avec si
Spin the wheel
8.1 My Persian Cat, Student p. 10 IA, IAN, TI, SI, CI
Complete the sentence
Sh spelled ci,si, ti
Speaking cards
sa se si so su
Find the match
Immagina Cap 3 Bulli Si Nasce
Match up
TI CI SI SSI can say SH
Speaking cards
Qu'est-ce que tu ferais si/quand.....
Speaking cards
Verifica si es reflexivo o no
Group sort