

Examples from our community

1,180 results for 'stem'

Heavy & Light
Heavy & Light Group sort
Transparent, Translucent, Opaque
Transparent, Translucent, Opaque Group sort
Hard & Soft
Hard & Soft Group sort
Float & Sink
Float & Sink Group sort
Natural & Man-Made
Natural & Man-Made Group sort
Smooth & Rough
Smooth & Rough Group sort
Shiny & Dull
Shiny & Dull Group sort
Bendy & Rigid
Bendy & Rigid Group sort
Stem Changing Boot Verbs
Stem Changing Boot Verbs Spin the wheel
Stem changing verbs
Stem changing verbs Whack-a-mole
Stem-changing verbs
Stem-changing verbs Find the match
Quiz: Stem-Changing Verbs
Quiz: Stem-Changing Verbs Quiz
Español - Stem-Changing verbs
Español - Stem-Changing verbs Spin the wheel
English Week Game 7
English Week Game 7 Matching pairs
The Problem Solving Process
The Problem Solving Process Match up
Regular and Stem Changing Verbs
Regular and Stem Changing Verbs Group sort
Stem Changing Verbs
Stem Changing Verbs Match up
Leer - Stem-changing verbs
Leer - Stem-changing verbs Complete the sentence
Stem & Leaf Plots
Stem & Leaf Plots Quiz
Reflexivos con cambio de raiz o irregulares
Reflexivos con cambio de raiz o irregulares Quiz
#1 Preterite Stem-changers ER/IR
#1 Preterite Stem-changers ER/IR Find the match
VG p. 66(13)
VG p. 66(13) Quiz
Stem-changing verb sort
Stem-changing verb sort Group sort
7A Stem Changing Verbs
7A Stem Changing Verbs Matching pairs
Present Tense Stem-changers
Present Tense Stem-changers Find the match
Preterite Stem Changing Verbs
Preterite Stem Changing Verbs Complete the sentence
Stem-Changing Verbs
Stem-Changing Verbs Group sort
U4- Stem changing verbs
U4- Stem changing verbs Spin the wheel
Stem-Changing Subjunctive Practice
Stem-Changing Subjunctive Practice Hangman
Leer - Stem-changing verbs
Leer - Stem-changing verbs Complete the sentence
Stem changers e-ie, e-i, o-ue present tense
Stem changers e-ie, e-i, o-ue present tense Gameshow quiz
Tema 1B:  Stem-changing verbs
Tema 1B: Stem-changing verbs Flip tiles
Stem changing verbs- present tense
Stem changing verbs- present tense Whack-a-mole
Present tense - Stem changing verbs
Present tense - Stem changing verbs Gameshow quiz
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