Tafseer quran
Examples from our community
314 results for 'tafseer quran'
Surah Al Fatiha 1
Open the box
Surah Al Fatiha 1
Open the box
Surah Al-Mutafefeen
Match up
سورة قريش
Match up
Missing Word Surah Al-Asr
Complete the sentence
سورة الليل - Surah Al-Layl
Match up
Sort the following ayas acording to Mad type
Group sort
AlFajr Word Tafseer 1-14
Balloon pop
about Islaam
Find the match
Vocabulary Surah Ash-Shams Find the Match
Find the match
Surah Al-Asr
Balloon pop
Surah As-Shams Fill in the Blank
Complete the sentence
Surat Alt-Tariq 6-10
Match up
Tajweed Group: Idgam
Group sort
سورة البروج - Surah Al-Buruj
Match up
سورة النازعات - surah An-nazi`at
Match up
سورة النبأ -surah Al-Naba
Match up
Nooraniyyah Lesson 4 Test!
Open the box
سورة الشمس - Surah Ash-Shams
Match up
Noon Rules
Match up
سورة الدُّخان
Labelled diagram
Tajweed Quiz
(سورة الرحمن (تدريب مد + نون ساكنة
Labelled diagram
(سورة الكهف (أحكام المد _ النون الساكنة و التنوين
Labelled diagram
RA Sometimes Soft Sometimes Strong
Group sort
Surah Al-Layl Word Search
همزة الوصل ، همزة القطع
همزة الوصل ، همزة القطع
Group sort
Tajweed rules
سورة التين
Match up
Surat AlFajr: Fill in the Blank Ayat 1-14
Complete the sentence
Rank order
Keywords in Islam
Match up
Strong and Soft Letters
Gameshow quiz
أشكال الحروف العربية / القاعدة النورانية
Find the match
Tajweed rules (Biginners)
Maze chase
اللام القمرية واللام الشمسية
Open the box
Qalqalah letters - Quran
Open the box
Group sort
سورة الشمس / Ash Shams
Complete the sentence
Tajweed Rules
حروف القلقلة
Practice اللام القمرية واللام الشمسية
True or false
(Lesson 6 Noranya) Read the word and find the Match
Find the match
حروف القلقلة
Maze chase
معاني أسماء سور القرآن
Matching pairs
Al Buruj سورة البروج
Complete the sentence
سورة الْفَجْر 15-16
Spin the wheel
الشَّمْسِ /Surah As-Shams Fill in the Blank
Complete the sentence
Nooraniah Lesson 6
Open the box
25 - 37 Surah Al Qalam / سورة القلم
surat Alburooj 12-13
Complete the sentence
Surat AlFajr: Fill in the blank, Ayat 15-30
Complete the sentence