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60 results for 'tk'


NS 1.2 Reconocer y nombrar los numeros 0-20
Spin the wheel

Speaking cards

Vocabulario de NAVIDAD
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Dice Match 1 -6
Matching pairs

NS 1.2 Recognizing numbers 0-20
Spin the wheel

Colores: Gris, Cafe, Azul, Rojo
Group sort

Letter Sounds A, E, J, Z
Matching pairs

Identificar numeros 10-20
Spin the wheel

Matematika TK A
Maze chase

Animal Wheel
Spin the wheel

Mega Minutos 15 contar 1-10
Speaking cards

Pukul ba-bi-bu-be-bo

tk bab1
Spin the wheel

Labelled diagram

Spin the wheel

TK Match
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Games TK
Maze chase

TK Names
Spin the wheel

Pasangan Kata (KV+KV)
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KV+KV (Menyusun Huruf)

Kelas Online TK A dan TK B
Spin the wheel

TK Les animaux
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Phonics TK (First Sound)
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Farm animals TK
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Kelas TK - Kartu Berkat
Speaking cards

TK/K family members
Spin the wheel

TK Solid or Liquid
Spin the wheel

TK 2024-25
Spin the wheel

TK Word Work 10.4.24
Group sort

TK 2024 Students
Match up

Nichelle's TK sight words
Spin the wheel

TK Final Review!
Spin the wheel

TK Classroom (am)
Spin the wheel

TK Shape Match
Matching pairs

TK - Letter Sounds - Spring
Spin the wheel

Me3a Math TK 14/4
Group sort

TK 0-3
Find the match

TK Review Game
Speaking cards

TK Cultural Identity
Spin the wheel

TK Animal Identification
Spin the wheel

TK Review 2023-2024
Spin the wheel

Reading TK and up

Latihan TK A 25 November
Match up

TK Benchmark Letter B Vocab
Speaking cards

TK A 16-10 2024
Match up

TK PM Helper of the day
Spin the wheel

4.1 Beanchmark TK Letter fF Vocab
Speaking cards

Letter C TK Benchmark to advance vocab
Matching pairs
TK Benchmark 7.1Travel with our bodies
Matching pairs
TK 4 Ev Esyalari Part 1
Spin the wheel
Doorprize Pentas Seni KB & TK Kristen Sejahtera 6/4/2023
Spin the wheel
Letter F Vocabulary Match TK Advance to Benchmark 4.3
Matching pairs
TK 第二学期词语转盘
Spin the wheel
认字 Tema 5 "Hari Raya" TK B
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Jewel Words TK 10.10.24 Digraphs and Phonetic. Irr.
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