Phonics Upper elementary
Examples from our community
10,000+ results for 'phonics upper elementary'
aw and au
Group sort
-ture words
Open the box
oa words
- tion words
-ture words
suffix -age
Balloon pop
oi, oy, aw, and au words
Group sort
Open Syllable i
Group sort
-ant and -ent
Group sort
able/ible words
Open the box
tion, tial, and ture
Group sort
ir words
Open the box
oi words (take turns, add points up at end)
Open the box
-ous words
Open the box
oi and oy
Group sort
Heart Word Assessment
Flash cards
long a sort it
Group sort
Syllable Blending
Flip tiles
oi and oy picture sort
Group sort
Long O Sort It
Group sort
ALPHABET upper and lower case
Speaking cards
cial and tial words
Speaking cards
sure, cial, sion suffixes
Group sort
-ture words
Speaking cards
er words
Speaking cards
-sion as /zhun/
Open the box
sure, cial and tial words
Open the box
cial words
Bossy R Read & Sort
Group sort
Whack-a-Mole /oi/ and /oy/
Initial L Blends Match Up
Match up
ar, or, er
Spin the wheel
Magic-e with o
Group sort
Sight worsd Sonday system
Spin the wheel
Consonant Digraphs
Group sort
Gameshow quiz
-nk endings
Group sort
old, ost, olt fill in the blank
Complete the sentence
aught/ought words
Gameshow quiz
Sonday level 14 qu sound
oi and oy words
Group sort
CVC NoNSeNSe Words w digraphs
Spin the wheel
Ending Blends Game Show Quiz!
Gameshow quiz
Match up
wh words
True or false
2 syllable magic e
Group sort
Blend Hangman
Closed & VCe word sort
Group sort
ou and ow Words
Silent letters--wr kn
Match up
ind, ild, old, ost, oll
Group sort
sonday beginning blend sounds
Speaking cards
fszl rule and -ck Sonday System
Group sort
Beginning sounds
Gameshow quiz
Beginning sound
Irregular Plural Nouns
Match up
Sounds of "oo"
Group sort