What would you do
Examples from our community
10,000+ results for 'what would you do'
The wheel of everything
Spin the wheel
What would you do...
Speaking cards
Would you rather
Speaking cards
Warmup - What would YOU do?
Spin the wheel
What would you do?
Spin the wheel
How Do You Feel and What Would You Do
Speaking cards
How Do You Feel and What Would You Do
Speaking cards
Would You Rather...?
Open the box
What would you do? (SEL - Problem Solving)
Speaking cards
What would you do....?
Speaking cards
What would YOU do?!
Gameshow quiz
would you rather
Speaking cards
What Would You Do?
Open the box
Would You Rather?
Speaking cards
WHAT TIME DO YOU.............?
Open the box
What do you need
What do you like?
Spin the wheel
Speaking cards
What Job Do You Do?
Matching pairs
What would you... (Present Unreal Discussion Questions)
Spin the wheel
What would you do if you ...
Speaking cards
What will you do if....?
Speaking cards
What would you do? Problem solving situations
Open the box
What time do you...?
Speaking cards
Spin the wheel
What do you think they were feeling?
Gameshow quiz
Why do you love or like your home?
Spin the wheel
Open the box
CCLC What will you do if...?
Speaking cards
What Do You Share Online?
Group sort
Would You Rather?
Speaking cards
How Would You Feel?
Gameshow quiz
Would You Rather...?
Spin the wheel
Would you rather
Spin the wheel
Would you rather questions
Speaking cards
Would you Rather Summer
Spin the wheel
Thanksgiving Would You Rather?
Open the box
What do you MUST or MUSTN'T do?
True or false
would you rather
Open the box
Would You Rather...?
Spin the wheel
Would You Rather???
Spin the wheel
Would You Rather Cards
Speaking cards
Would you rather?
Speaking cards
Halloween Would You Rather
Speaking cards
Winter Would You Rather
Spin the wheel
Winter Would You Rather
Spin the wheel
Would You Rather
Spin the wheel
Would You Rather - Thanksgiving
Spin the wheel
Would You Rather...
Spin the wheel
Would You Rather
Speaking cards
Would you rather...
Speaking cards
"R" Would You Rather...
Spin the wheel
Would You Rather?
Spin the wheel