Writing Fce
Examples from our community
2,476 results for 'writing fce'
Verbs followed by to + infinitive or -ing
Group sort
Narrative Writing Prompts
Spin the wheel
What's Missing?
Gameshow quiz
Subject Predicate
Group sort
Lowercase Cursive Letters
Speaking cards
Informative Essay Sort
Group sort
Conversation Game - Opinion Writing
Speaking cards
Complete sentences?
Open the box
Opinion and Reasons
Group sort
Mixed Contraction words. (challenging version)
Find the match
fix the short story
Complete the sentence
Singular or Plural Nouns
Group sort
Predicate Whack-a-Mole
Match Supporting Details to a Main Idea
Group sort
Subject-Verb Agreement- 2nd Grade
Complete the sentence
Alphabet Spinner (lowercase)
Spin the wheel
Letter Size Sort - Lowercase
Group sort
Spring Writing Prompts
Spin the wheel
Writing Prompts
Spin the wheel
Picture Story for Writing
Spin the wheel
Sentence Writing Prompts
Spin the wheel
Brain Works: fragments vs sentences
Group sort
Word & picture match
Labelled diagram
Punctuation . ? !
Gameshow quiz
Question Jar
Spin the wheel
Emotions/Emoji Writing Prompts
Spin the wheel
Contractions with not. -n't
Balloon pop
Verbs: Present Tense
Details We Can SEE!
Common or Proper Nouns
Ending Punctuation
Alphabet Spinner (uppercase)
Spin the wheel
Spin the wheel
Narrative Vocabulary
Maze chase
Unscramble the Words
Red 39 Contractions
Find the match
Spin Draw Write 2
Spin the wheel
Would You Rather???
Spin the wheel
Subject Wheel
Spin the wheel
Writers Start with a Hook
Gameshow quiz
Find the predicate
Open the box
Find the subject (easy version)
Maze chase
Sentence Sort
Gameshow quiz
Simple and Compound Sentences
Gameshow quiz
KEW sentence scramble
Run on or Fragment
True or false
Fact or Opinion?
Group sort
Find the Subject (challenging version)
Maze chase
Lesson 13: Where? When? How?
Group sort
Sentence Sense #10
Group sort
FUNdations Unit 1 Weeks 9, 10
Spin the wheel
People, place, or thing? 1H
Group sort
Beginning sound
Find the match
FCE linkers