Writing Entry 2
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Are these sentences correct? Comparatives
Comparative Sentences
Pros Cons Social Media
Ordenar por grupo
Talk about leisure activities
Rueda aleatoria
What did you do last weekend?
a, an, or some?
Hobbies and free time
Rueda aleatoria
Capital letters sort
Ordenar por grupo
Adjective defintions Entry 2
Une las parejas
Entry 2- adjective- vocabulary
Ordenar por grupo
Greetings and responses in English
Une las parejas
What's the matter?
Cada oveja con su pareja
Problems in the home
Cada oveja con su pareja
Placement Test (adapted from Macmillan)
My neighbourhood adjectives
Une las parejas
Short or long e sound
Ordenar por grupo
Job advert vocabulary
Une las parejas
Entry 2 writing checklist - Task 3
Une las parejas
Social Media Logos
Une las parejas
Entry 2- LO1- Formative assessment- Forms
Une las parejas
Personal information question sort
Getting to know you
Cartas al azar
Furniture and Rooms
Ordenar por grupo
There is/there are
Completar la frase
Une las parejas
Food likes and dislikes.
Question Words
Une las parejas
Life Events Part 1: Past Simple Verbs
Completar la frase
Spelling test 1- Entry 2
Google icons quiz
Une las parejas
Can you talk for one minute?
Rueda aleatoria
My Family
Rueda aleatoria
Long or short a sound
Ordenar por grupo
ESOL Entry 2 Christmas vocab
Une las parejas
Getting to know you- ESOL questions
Rueda aleatoria
Classroom objects (Pre-Entry and Entry 1 ESOL)
Fichas giratorias
B2 Informal to Formal Language Classification
Ordenar por grupo
B2 Informal to Formal Language Match-up
Une las parejas
Entry 2 skills revison
Rueda aleatoria
How to organise your ideas for a film review.
Ordenar por grupo
ESOL E2 Comparatives
Travel Questions
Entry 2 Text Type Reading Quiz
ENTRY 2: Weather and Seasons
Article - Organisational (layout) Features
Diagrama con etiquetas
Daily Routine
parts of speech
Ordenar por grupo
Clothes wordsearch
Sopa de letras
Ascentis Entry 3 Writing Task 1 Form
Diagrama con etiquetas
Map of The United Kingdom
Diagrama con etiquetas
Entry 3 English - city and guilds writing
Jumbled Questions Entry 2
Palabras magnéticas