
Pet cambridge 2020

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2.271 resultados para 'pet cambridge 2020'

PET Cambridge Reading Part 1 ( Collins 2020 test 2)
PET Cambridge Reading Part 1 ( Collins 2020 test 2) Cuestionario
PET Cambridge Part 1 ( Collins 2020, test 1)
PET Cambridge Part 1 ( Collins 2020, test 1) Cuestionario
a / the / no article
a / the / no article Cuestionario
What are they doing?
What are they doing? Diagrama con etiquetas
Gerund/Infinitive (Compact PET 2020)
Gerund/Infinitive (Compact PET 2020) Aplastatopos
PET Synonyms Phrase
PET Synonyms Phrase Une las parejas
Feelings. PET
Feelings. PET Une las parejas
PET Collocations make, do, have, take
PET Collocations make, do, have, take Ordenar por grupo
PET collocations
PET collocations Ordenar por grupo
PET speaking
PET speaking Rueda aleatoria
Tools (PET)
Tools (PET) Diagrama con etiquetas
Clothes (PET)
Clothes (PET) Cada oveja con su pareja
Reported Speech Quiz PET
Reported Speech Quiz PET Cuestionario
B1/PET Useful Language for Collaborative Tasks
B1/PET Useful Language for Collaborative Tasks Ordenar por grupo
Linkers for PET
Linkers for PET Abrecajas
Bedroom Diagrama con etiquetas
PET discussion
PET discussion Ordenar por grupo
PET prepositions
PET prepositions Cada oveja con su pareja
Past tenses Time markers
Past tenses Time markers Ordenar por grupo
Education Une las parejas
Speech Verbs PET
Speech Verbs PET Une las parejas
Speaking Part 1 (PET for Schools)
Speaking Part 1 (PET for Schools) Cartas al azar
Natural Disasters
Natural Disasters Anagrama
Environmental Problems
Environmental Problems Cuestionario
Describing objects
Describing objects Rueda aleatoria
Have something done
Have something done Reordenar
Preliminary Speaking Part 3 and 4
Preliminary Speaking Part 3 and 4 Ordenar por grupo
too, too much, too many, enough B1
too, too much, too many, enough B1 Cuestionario pierde o gana
End-of-summer questions for YLE Movers/Flyers
End-of-summer questions for YLE Movers/Flyers Abrecajas
Will/be going to .
Will/be going to . Cuestionario
Fce Speaking part 1
Fce Speaking part 1 Cartas al azar
FCE Speaking Part 1 Technologies and Discoveries & Innovations
FCE Speaking Part 1 Technologies and Discoveries & Innovations Cartas al azar
B1 preliminary: conversation questions
B1 preliminary: conversation questions Rueda aleatoria
Travel Speaking
Travel Speaking Rueda aleatoria
linkers for ESSAYS
linkers for ESSAYS Anagrama
Adverbs vs Adjectives
Adverbs vs Adjectives Verdadero o falso
B1 Preliminary Speaking Part 2
B1 Preliminary Speaking Part 2 Diagrama con etiquetas
Past Simple / Present Perfect - Speaking
Past Simple / Present Perfect - Speaking Rueda aleatoria
B1 Preliminary Speaking Part 2
B1 Preliminary Speaking Part 2 Diagrama con etiquetas
Furniture, things in the house
Furniture, things in the house Une las parejas
B1 Preliminary Speaking Part 2
B1 Preliminary Speaking Part 2 Diagrama con etiquetas
2_Confusing verbs fail, miss, take, pass, study, teach
2_Confusing verbs fail, miss, take, pass, study, teach Cuestionario
Natural Places
Natural Places Cuestionario
Reported Speech
Reported Speech Rueda aleatoria
Gerund or Infinitive?
Gerund or Infinitive? Cuestionario
Writing a PET letter: informal vs. semi-formal language
Writing a PET letter: informal vs. semi-formal language Ordenar por grupo
Preliminary Speaking Part1
Preliminary Speaking Part1 Rueda aleatoria
Job Une las parejas
 Предлоги места. Starters
Предлоги места. Starters Cuestionario
FCE Speaking part 1 Leasure activities and hobbies
FCE Speaking part 1 Leasure activities and hobbies Rueda aleatoria
Gerunds and infinitives - Gateway B1+
Gerunds and infinitives - Gateway B1+ Completar la frase
Cambridge B2 Speaking Part 3: Agreeing & Disagreeing
Cambridge B2 Speaking Part 3: Agreeing & Disagreeing Ordenar por grupo
Multiple choice Part 1 (EGE)
Multiple choice Part 1 (EGE) Cuestionario
¿Restaurar actividad almacenada automáticamente: ?