Дорослі English / ESL General
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Conversation starter Roadmap Unit 1-5 A2
Narrative tenses - questions
Cartas al azar
Roadmap A2+ Present Continuous for future arrangements.
Cartas al azar
Roadmap A2 Put 2-3 questions about the topic
Cartas al azar
Roadmap A2 plus Unit 1A, Make up a question
Cartas al azar
Conversation starter Successful people
Cartas al azar
Preposition phrases Roadmap A2 Unit 6A Events
Ordenar por grupo
Vocabulary B1 Feelings ed /ing
Roadmap B1+ Conversation starter Unit 1B Place to live
Cartas al azar
Roadmap A2+ Unit 4B Organizing events Vocabulary
To be: questions (Project 1)
Roadmap B1 Life maps
Tarjetas flash
Comparatives B1 Compare two things
Cartas al azar
Advanced passive forms speaking
Cartas al azar
PE5 Indirect Questions EF Int
Completar la frase
English File pre-intermediate 4A
Phrasal Verbs
Completar la frase
Position of adjectives A2
Conversation starter Comparatives B1
Cartas al azar
Conversation starter Roadmap B1 Unit 3 B Catching up
Cartas al azar
Conversation starter Special photos
Cartas al azar
English File Pre-interm, Units 1-4
Cartas al azar
Grammar so/such, too/ (not) enough
Roadmap A2+ 4A Special Days Vocabulary
Une las parejas
Question words Roadmap A1
Make up a sentence Present Perfect
Cartas al azar
to be sentences
Roadmap B1 unit 2C vocabulary
Техніки формувального оцінювання
Fichas giratorias
Roadmap B1 Unit 2c Vocab
Une las parejas
Wohnung. Möbel
Ordenar por grupo
Christmas and New Year_ discussion
Roadmap B1 (5B. Zero and First Conditionals)
Cartas al azar
Roadmap B1 Unit 1A words
Une las parejas
IELTS graph
Ordenar por grupo
much/a lot - a bit / slightly - as...as/ the same... as A2
Cartas al azar
Chrtistmas Discussion
Cartas al azar
Gerund and infinitive B1+
Past Questions
Rueda aleatoria
Roadmap B1 Unit 1B
Une las parejas
Zero and First Conditional
Cartas al azar
Second Conditional (Hypothetical)
Cartas al azar
to be
Completar la frase
Rueda aleatoria
I wish... B1-B2
Cartas al azar
Rueda aleatoria
Past Simple speaking adults
Cartas al azar
Roadmap A2+ Unit 6A
Regular verbs
Ordenar por grupo
Past Simple Questions
Cartas al azar
Roadmap B1+ (2A. Present Simple and Continuous)
Rueda aleatoria
Present Simple
Verdadero o falso
Conversation starter Roadmap B1 Life maps
Cartas al azar
Winter Vocabulary
Cada oveja con su pareja
Food and drinks
Rueda aleatoria