
English / ESL 6 8

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Clothes Smart Junior 2
Clothes Smart Junior 2 Verdadero o falso
Numbers Une las parejas
Яка буква загубилася?
Яка буква загубилася? Cuestionario
Doing things 1. SMILING SAM 2
Doing things 1. SMILING SAM 2 Cuestionario
Smiling Sam 2. UNIT 5. Animals
Smiling Sam 2. UNIT 5. Animals Rueda aleatoria
Present Perfect
Present Perfect Cartas al azar
Prepare 6 Music phrases
Prepare 6 Music phrases Tarjetas flash
Карпюк 8 стр.18-19
Карпюк 8 стр.18-19 Une las parejas
Prepare 6 Unit 2 Daily routines 2
Prepare 6 Unit 2 Daily routines 2 Rueda aleatoria
Sports. Prepare 6. Unit 1
Sports. Prepare 6. Unit 1 Une las parejas
 What a great job! Prepare 6. Unit 6
What a great job! Prepare 6. Unit 6 Une las parejas
Present Simple vs Present Continuous easy
Present Simple vs Present Continuous easy Verdadero o falso
Speaking - prepositions of movement & place
Speaking - prepositions of movement & place Rueda aleatoria
Present Perfect Speaking Questions and answers
Present Perfect Speaking Questions and answers Cartas al azar
Adjectives + Prepostions 1
Adjectives + Prepostions 1 Cuestionario
Speaking questions 10
Speaking questions 10 Rueda aleatoria
Places in town
Places in town Une las parejas
 Zero First Second conditionals
Zero First Second conditionals Cuestionario
Must/mustn't, have to/don't have to, need/ needn't
Must/mustn't, have to/don't have to, need/ needn't Cuestionario
Nationalities Cada oveja con su pareja
Present Continuous speaking
Present Continuous speaking Rueda aleatoria
Present Simple/Continuous. Questions 3
Present Simple/Continuous. Questions 3 Cartas al azar
Clothes and footwear wider world 2
Clothes and footwear wider world 2 Une las parejas
Match up
Match up Une las parejas
Speaking (time - preps)
Speaking (time - preps) Rueda aleatoria
Go getter 4 Unit 1.1 Clothes
Go getter 4 Unit 1.1 Clothes Cada oveja con su pareja
Asking questions
Asking questions Tarjetas flash
Speaking questions 19 (Comparatives)
Speaking questions 19 (Comparatives) Rueda aleatoria
Prepare 6 NUS Unit 4. It was awesome
Prepare 6 NUS Unit 4. It was awesome Ordenar por grupo
 Sport  Play Do Go
Sport Play Do Go Ordenar por grupo
Prepare 8 Game 1 Present Perfect and Past Simple
Prepare 8 Game 1 Present Perfect and Past Simple Completar la frase
Past Simple. Prepare 6. Unit 6. Sentences.
Past Simple. Prepare 6. Unit 6. Sentences. Reordenar
 to be
to be Cuestionario
PAST SIMPLE Speaking 30
PAST SIMPLE Speaking 30 Rueda aleatoria
Food- Speaking questions
Food- Speaking questions Rueda aleatoria
Present Simple vs Present Continuous
Present Simple vs Present Continuous Cartas al azar
What time is it?
What time is it? Cartas al azar
adjectives p II
adjectives p II Une las parejas
Halloween questions
Halloween questions Cartas al azar
PAST SIMPLE Speaking questions 29
PAST SIMPLE Speaking questions 29 Rueda aleatoria
PAST SIMPLE Speaking questions 28
PAST SIMPLE Speaking questions 28 Rueda aleatoria
Focus 2. Unit 1.4
Focus 2. Unit 1.4 Cuestionario
So/Neither Diagrama con etiquetas
Plural nouns
Plural nouns Cuestionario
Speaking time
Speaking time Rueda aleatoria
Have/has got Roadmap A1
Have/has got Roadmap A1 Cuestionario
WEATHER Rueda aleatoria
Irregular verbs 1 (Beginner)
Irregular verbs 1 (Beginner) Une las parejas
Склад числа 6, 7, 8
Склад числа 6, 7, 8 Ordenar por grupo
Full Blast 6. Review. Module Hello
Full Blast 6. Review. Module Hello Rueda aleatoria
Sport, place, equipment
Sport, place, equipment Ordenar por grupo
Music is heard everywhere, 8
Music is heard everywhere, 8 Une las parejas
English file beginner unit 8
English file beginner unit 8 Cada oveja con su pareja
English plus 2, unit 8
English plus 2, unit 8 Cada oveja con su pareja
Karpiuk 8 Healthy Lifestyle Vocabulary Practice
Karpiuk 8 Healthy Lifestyle Vocabulary Practice Completar la frase
Speaking questions 11 (Food)
Speaking questions 11 (Food) Rueda aleatoria
Next move 1, Unit 5, p.54
Next move 1, Unit 5, p.54 Une las parejas
Past simple (make negative) Solution A2
Past simple (make negative) Solution A2 Cartas al azar
Personality Adjectives
Personality Adjectives Cuestionario
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