3rd Grade Words their way
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SA Sort 4: Inflected Endings: Double, Drop, or Nothing
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Compound words
SA Sort 7: Syllable Juncture: VCV open and Closed +CVVC
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adding -ing
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SA Sort 6 Syllable Juncture VCV Open and VCV Closed
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SA Sort 8. Syllable Juncture: VCV, VCCV, VV, VCCCV
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List 11 - Unscramble the sentences
R-controlled vowels
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e-drop + ing
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short and long o and u
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adding -ed
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PAST TENSE -ED (3 sounds) more practice [WtW 9.46 within word pattern spellers]
Palabras magnéticas
Prefix Spin
Rueda aleatoria
WTW Sort 14 - Open and Closed
WWP Sort 10: Picture Sort Short and Long O
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WWP Sort 5: Long a (with a-e, ai, and ay)
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Short/Long -a vowels [WtW. sort II.7, within word spellers]
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Compound Words [WtW 2.10 syllable spellers]
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SORT: SHORT O or OR (r-influenced vowels) [wtw 7.28 alphabetic spellers]
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2 syllable words
Gold List #19 - R- controlled vowel o
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UG, UT, UN families [WtW.11 alphabetic spellers] part 1
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Long vowel pattern in accented syllables - List 18
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Gold Group List 19
AD and AD family words [WtW.7 alphabetic spellers] part 2
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List 7 - long e
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OP, OT, and OG Families [WtW.9 alphabetic spellers] part 1
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AP and AG family words [WtW.8 alphabetic spellers] part 1
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SA SORT 20: Unaccented Final Syllable: -le, -el, -al, -il
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SA Sort 12: Long-o Patterns in Two Syllable Words
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Third Grade Sight Words
Rueda aleatoria
SA Sort 2: Inflected Endings: Double or Nothing
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SA Sort 4: Double, Drop, or Nothing
WWP Sort 35: Complex Consonants: ch/tch
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Sort 40: Silent Beginning Consonant KN, WR, GN
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just words- high frequency 20
Just Words: Unit 5 VCCV Word Builder
Palabras magnéticas
PAST TENSE -ED-, 3 SOUNDS [WtW 10.46 within word pattern spellers]
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SORT: SHORT A AND O in easy CVC words [wtw 6.38 alphabetic spellers]
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Sort the words into their syllable type.
Ordenar por grupo
Short E, I, O, and U in easy CVC words [wtw 40 alphabetic spellers]
Ordenar por grupo
Wilson 3.3 sentences
Completar la frase
3rd Hobbies 爱好
Diagrama con etiquetas
3rd - Unit 1 Review Vocabulary
Une las parejas
Fry Sight Words Drill G1-3
Rueda aleatoria
3rd: U:1 W:4 Vocabulary
Concurso de preguntas
Vocabulary Practice Random Wheel (3rd - 5th Grade)
Rueda aleatoria
Wilson Step 1 HFW
Rueda aleatoria
Third Grade Sight Words 2
Completar la frase