
4th Grade Μορφή της γλώσσας γραμματική

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Γενική Πτώση (2)
Γενική Πτώση (2) Completar la frase
Γενική Πτώση (1)
Γενική Πτώση (1) Completar la frase
Οι Τιτάνες, Οι Κύκλωπες και οι Εκατόγχειρες
Οι Τιτάνες, Οι Κύκλωπες και οι Εκατόγχειρες Une las parejas
Spelling Scramble #1 Short Vowels
Spelling Scramble #1 Short Vowels Anagrama
Murphy - Το σπίτι μου στη Θεσσαλονίκη!
Murphy - Το σπίτι μου στη Θεσσαλονίκη! Completar la frase
Months and seasons - 4th grade
Months and seasons - 4th grade Ordenar por grupo
Spelling #6 Balloon Pop
Spelling #6 Balloon Pop Explotaglobos
3rd Grade Context Clues
3rd Grade Context Clues Abrecajas
Επανάληψη Κλικ Ενοτ. 1-3
Επανάληψη Κλικ Ενοτ. 1-3 Cuestionario
4th Gr. Decimals Maze
4th Gr. Decimals Maze Persecución en el laberinto
Ημέρα των Ευχαριστιών
Ημέρα των Ευχαριστιών Une las parejas
Το σπίτι μου (περιγραφή)
Το σπίτι μου (περιγραφή) Reordenar
States of Matter Labeled Diagram (3rd-4th-5th Grade Science)
States of Matter Labeled Diagram (3rd-4th-5th Grade Science) Diagrama con etiquetas
Vocabulary Practice Random Wheel (3rd - 5th Grade)
Vocabulary Practice Random Wheel (3rd - 5th Grade) Rueda aleatoria
L7:L5 ex. pr. pg. #2 Person's job
L7:L5 ex. pr. pg. #2 Person's job Verdadero o falso
Decimal Review
Decimal Review Concurso de preguntas
Wilson 5.1 & 5.2 Nonsense Words
Wilson 5.1 & 5.2 Nonsense Words Abrecajas
4th Grade Units of Measurement
4th Grade Units of Measurement Cada oveja con su pareja
 Author`s Purpose PIEED
Author`s Purpose PIEED Ordenar por grupo
Energy Quiz
Energy Quiz Cuestionario
Context Clues Exit Slip
Context Clues Exit Slip Cuestionario
Theme Une las parejas
Module 1 Week 1 Vocabulary
Module 1 Week 1 Vocabulary Persecución en el laberinto
Text Structure
Text Structure Persecución en el laberinto
Planets Maze chase
Planets Maze chase Persecución en el laberinto
Wilson Sentences 5.2
Wilson Sentences 5.2 Cada oveja con su pareja
sorting for adverbs, nouns, verbs
sorting for adverbs, nouns, verbs Ordenar por grupo
Prefixes Aplastatopos
St. Patrick's Day
St. Patrick's Day Sopa de letras
prefix "ex" words
prefix "ex" words Explotaglobos
Wilson 3.2 Words with Prefixes
Wilson 3.2 Words with Prefixes Cartas al azar
COLORS Cuestionario
Context Clues/MM Words
Context Clues/MM Words Cuestionario
Revising and Editing Practice
Revising and Editing Practice Concurso de preguntas
Months match up
Months match up Une las parejas
Text Structures
Text Structures Cada oveja con su pareja
Categories of worship
Categories of worship Ordenar por grupo
4th Grade Vocabulary
4th Grade Vocabulary Une las parejas
suffixes train ride
suffixes train ride Ordenar por grupo
Investigating force and motion
Investigating force and motion Cuestionario
4th grade Trivia
4th grade Trivia Concurso de preguntas
crepers minecraft
crepers minecraft Cuestionario
Stand Up If...
Stand Up If... Rueda aleatoria
Module 4 Week 1
Module 4 Week 1 Avión
Compound Sentences
Compound Sentences Cuestionario
עבר זמן רבים
עבר זמן רבים Aplastatopos
Main Idea?
Main Idea? Cuestionario
Prefixes and Suffixes
Prefixes and Suffixes Completar la frase
 Text Features
Text Features Explotaglobos
Wilson 5.2 Sentences
Wilson 5.2 Sentences Completar la frase
Red 39  Contractions
Red 39 Contractions Cada oveja con su pareja
tion/sion Cuestionario
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