
Kindergarten Fiqh salamonline

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Grade 4-Fiqh-1.1-3.1
Grade 4-Fiqh-1.1-3.1 Cuestionario
Fundations Unit 1 Week 3-Kindergarten
Fundations Unit 1 Week 3-Kindergarten Abrecajas
Seasons of the year
Seasons of the year Diagrama con etiquetas
KG-Fiqh-1.4 Ahorcado
Counting Cada oveja con su pareja
Gr 5 Fiqh 4.1 Ghusl
Gr 5 Fiqh 4.1 Ghusl Verdadero o falso
Grade 3-Fiqh-5.1
Grade 3-Fiqh-5.1 Concurso de preguntas
Grade 3-Fiqh-5.2
Grade 3-Fiqh-5.2 Completar la frase
Grade 3-Fiqh-4.4
Grade 3-Fiqh-4.4 Explotaglobos
Grade 3-Fiqh-4.1
Grade 3-Fiqh-4.1 Orden correcto
1-Fiqh-1.1 Une las parejas
Grade 3-Fiqh-2.1
Grade 3-Fiqh-2.1 Une las parejas
Grade 4-Fiqh-5.1
Grade 4-Fiqh-5.1 Cuestionario
Grade 2-Fiqh-3.1
Grade 2-Fiqh-3.1 Ahorcado
Grade 2-Fiqh-1.1
Grade 2-Fiqh-1.1 Une las parejas
Counting objects 1 - 10
Counting objects 1 - 10 Une las parejas
Letter Sounds
Letter Sounds Rueda aleatoria
Fundations Trick Words 1-15
Fundations Trick Words 1-15 Parejas
Rhyme Wheel
Rhyme Wheel Rueda aleatoria
Letters t, b, f
Letters t, b, f Ordenar por grupo
Letter Sounds with Lower Case Letters
Letter Sounds with Lower Case Letters Rueda aleatoria
CVC words
CVC words Anagrama
Letter g or n
Letter g or n Ordenar por grupo
Letter F
Letter F Acertijo visual
L blend quiz
L blend quiz Cuestionario
Fundations Standard Letter Cards
Fundations Standard Letter Cards Cartas al azar
Rhyme Time
Rhyme Time Cada oveja con su pareja
Letter W
Letter W Aplastatopos
Kindergarten Bird Addition
Kindergarten Bird Addition Parejas
     אותיות א-י
אותיות א-י Explotaglobos
Put these words in order to make a sentence.
Put these words in order to make a sentence. Reordenar
Sort The Colors!
Sort The Colors! Ordenar por grupo
B/D Rueda aleatoria
Letter S Words
Letter S Words Aplastatopos
more less
more less Cuestionario
Rhyming Abrecajas
-at Word Family Match
-at Word Family Match Une las parejas
rhyming words
rhyming words Cuestionario
Find the Gold!
Find the Gold! Fichas giratorias
-op Word Family
-op Word Family Rueda aleatoria
Short a and short i
Short a and short i Ordenar por grupo
/a/, /o/ initial sound sort
/a/, /o/ initial sound sort Ordenar por grupo
Middle Sounds
Middle Sounds Cuestionario
five senses quiz
five senses quiz Cuestionario
-ut Word Family
-ut Word Family Rueda aleatoria
CVC Kindergarten
CVC Kindergarten Une las parejas
Beginning Letter Sound
Beginning Letter Sound Rueda aleatoria
Los meses del año
Los meses del año Crucigrama
Rhyming Word families
Rhyming Word families Ordenar por grupo
Whack a Diagraph
Whack a Diagraph Aplastatopos
CVC Sort at & it words
CVC Sort at & it words Ordenar por grupo
Group 1 -Beginning Sounds
Group 1 -Beginning Sounds Cuestionario
What is the missing digraph? Sh/Ch
What is the missing digraph? Sh/Ch Cuestionario
Beginning Sound Sort - m,r
Beginning Sound Sort - m,r Ordenar por grupo
上下左右中 Une las parejas
Final Sounds in words
Final Sounds in words Cuestionario
Character or Setting
Character or Setting Ordenar por grupo
missing number yellow.2
missing number yellow.2 Cada oveja con su pareja
Vehicles Rueda aleatoria
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