Reading Super kids
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12/6/21-12/10/21- soft c & soft g
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How many sounds? #2
Concurso de preguntas
Meet The Explorer
Completar la frase
Barton 3.6 Watch Out Vowels
Concurso de preguntas
FIS lesson /k/ & /g/
5.8 prefixes non-, dis-, un-, in-
Floss Rule
Short a Reading Practice
1.3 FUN Sentence Reading
Completar la frase
Beep 3, Unit 3, Vocabulary: Characteristics
Verdadero o falso
Beep 3, Unit 2, Vocabulary
Diagrama con etiquetas
Beep 3, Unit 3, Vocabulary: Appearance
Diagrama con etiquetas
Guided Reading Questions Interactive Wheel
Rueda aleatoria
Key words for phrases
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Bossy R cloze passage (Horse)
Completar la frase
R and W Words
Ordenar por grupo
Beep 3, Unit 2, Vocabulary: Telling the time
Une las parejas
Beep 3, Unit 2, Vocabulary: Collocations
Une las parejas
Kids' games
Une las parejas
Barton End of Level 4 - Super Hero Boom (Fluency)
Cartas al azar
Guided Reading Questions Interactive Cards
Cartas al azar
5.6 Reading The Change Rule
Barton 5.2 Reading with Penguins
Cartas al azar
Wilson 5.2 Game Show Quiz (Syllable Types)
Concurso de preguntas
4.4 Wilson Wordlist Wheel
Rueda aleatoria
Digraph Match Balloon Game
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Silent E Sentences
Rueda aleatoria
2 sounds of OW sentences
Cartas al azar
Wilson 2.4 sentences
FIS lesson 10 /d/ & /t/ sort
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FIS lesson 8 /a/ & /o/
Ordenar por grupo
End of Step 8 Fluency Phrases #2
Cartas al azar
Wilson 9.1 ai ay
Wilson 3.5 Words and Phrases Don`t Be Greedy
Cartas al azar
FIS (quiet or vibrating sounds ALL)
Verdadero o falso
Find the Match Plot of a Story
Cada oveja con su pareja
4.3 Wilson Quizshow
Concurso de preguntas
Whack that b! (Wilson 1.2)
Vowel-Consonant-E Words
Hard c and Soft c, Hard g and Soft g
Ordenar por grupo
Step 1 and 2 Concepts Review
Persecución en el laberinto
Barton 4.5 EX
Concurso de preguntas
Wilson 4.1
Completar la frase
Complex Baseword Hunt (WRS Step 3)
Suffixes: ing, s, es, less, est, ed, ful
Une las parejas
Word Puzzle 1.3- 1.4 phrases
Barton Level 4: Review Quiz
Short u vs. Long u
Ordenar por grupo
Wilson Step 3.1 review
Completar la frase
WRS 7.3 - Wordcards using Greek combining forms
Cartas al azar
Vowel Consonant E versus the Exception- Gameshow Quiz (Wilson 4.4)
Concurso de preguntas
Wilson 3.2 - Find the blend
Wilson 2.1 Glued Sounds ing and ink
Wilson 10.3 The 1-1-1 Rule
Concurso de preguntas
1.1 - 1.6 High frequency Words
Rueda aleatoria