
Английский язык Elementary

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10 000+ tulemust otsingule 'английский elementary'

Superlative strips
Superlative strips Juhuslikud kaardid
Английский Viktoriin
Giving directions
Giving directions Õpikaardid
Technologies Poomismäng
English File elementary
English File elementary Juhuslik ratas
EF Elementary How much / How many
EF Elementary How much / How many Juhuslikud kaardid
EF Elem Superlatives Cities Quiz
EF Elem Superlatives Cities Quiz Viktoriin
How many/How much Elementary
How many/How much Elementary Õige või vale
Past Simple questions
Past Simple questions Juhuslik ratas
In the house: rooms and things
In the house: rooms and things Juhuslikud kaardid
Parts of Speech sorting
Parts of Speech sorting Rühmadesse sorteerimine
Time Prepositions In On At
Time Prepositions In On At Juhuslikud kaardid
have to / Elementary
have to / Elementary Ava kast
Spotlight 6 Unit 5 Do or make
Spotlight 6 Unit 5 Do or make Õige või vale
EF Elementary 3B Jobs
EF Elementary 3B Jobs Ava kast
EF Elementary 2A Things
EF Elementary 2A Things Õpikaardid
EF elementary 2B Adjectives
EF elementary 2B Adjectives Leia sobiv
9B food containers elementary
9B food containers elementary Juhuslikud kaardid
English File Elementary 2C Imperatives
English File Elementary 2C Imperatives Paaripanek
11C warm up elementary
11C warm up elementary Juhuslikud kaardid
EF elementary 2C Feelings
EF elementary 2C Feelings Sõnade otsimine
EF Elementary, 2A, demonstratives
EF Elementary, 2A, demonstratives Juhuslikud kaardid
Food 9A elementary
Food 9A elementary Juhuslikud kaardid
Elementary 5A verb phrases
Elementary 5A verb phrases Märgistatud diagramm
EF Elementary 4A Possessives
EF Elementary 4A Possessives Viktoriin
Weather 5C elementary
Weather 5C elementary Paaripanek
EF Elementary 2B Adjectives
EF Elementary 2B Adjectives Sobivad paarid
English File Elementary - Speaking
English File Elementary - Speaking Juhuslikud kaardid
Alphabet Whack-a-mole #my_teaching_stuff
Alphabet Whack-a-mole #my_teaching_stuff Löö mutti
Alphabet Maze Chase (15 letters) #my_teaching_stuff
Alphabet Maze Chase (15 letters) #my_teaching_stuff Jälitus labürindis
Alphabet Matching pairs (15 letters) #my_teaching_stuff
Alphabet Matching pairs (15 letters) #my_teaching_stuff Sobivad paarid
Alphabet Find the match P-Z Small-big #my_teaching_stuff
Alphabet Find the match P-Z Small-big #my_teaching_stuff Leia sobiv
Alphabet Balloon Pop A-Z #my_teaching_stuff
Alphabet Balloon Pop A-Z #my_teaching_stuff Õhupallide torkamine
Speaking Elementary
Speaking Elementary Ava kast
Alphabet Find the match P-Z Big-small #my_teaching_stuff
Alphabet Find the match P-Z Big-small #my_teaching_stuff Leia sobiv
Alphabet Find the Match A-O Small-big #my_teaching_stuff
Alphabet Find the Match A-O Small-big #my_teaching_stuff Leia sobiv
EF Elementary 3B Jobs (2) crossword
EF Elementary 3B Jobs (2) crossword Ristsõna
EF Elementary 3A Verb phrases
EF Elementary 3A Verb phrases Õpikaardid
Solutions Elementary 3rd Unit 5D
Solutions Elementary 3rd Unit 5D Korrastus
Fruit/vegetable/drink Viktoriin
 Alphabet Find the match A-O Big-small #my_teaching_stuff
Alphabet Find the match A-O Big-small #my_teaching_stuff Leia sobiv
Solutions Elementary Intro Vocabulary Review Countries
Solutions Elementary Intro Vocabulary Review Countries Paaripanek
English File Elementary - Practical English 4
English File Elementary - Practical English 4 Sobivad paarid
Clothes (elementary)
Clothes (elementary) Sobivad paarid
EF Elementary 2b Adjectives Communicative
EF Elementary 2b Adjectives Communicative Juhuslikud kaardid
English File Elementary - Unit 4 - Prepositions
English File Elementary - Unit 4 - Prepositions Lõpeta lause
English File elementary - Feelings
English File elementary - Feelings Juhuslikud kaardid
Funny tasks - Elementary
Funny tasks - Elementary Juhuslik ratas
NEF Elementary Speaking
NEF Elementary Speaking Juhuslikud kaardid
EF Elementary Unit 5A Can/ can't
EF Elementary Unit 5A Can/ can't Juhuslik ratas
EF 2A Things elementary CARDS
EF 2A Things elementary CARDS Juhuslikud kaardid
English File Elementary 5A Can (communicative) copy
English File Elementary 5A Can (communicative) copy Ava kast
English File elementary 7C photocopy go\have\get
English File elementary 7C photocopy go\have\get Juhuslik ratas
Elementary 5A verb phases part 2
Elementary 5A verb phases part 2 Märgistatud diagramm
EF Elementary Unit 4C ex 3C Speaking
EF Elementary Unit 4C ex 3C Speaking Juhuslik ratas
EF Elementary 4B Photocopiable Communicative Prepositions
EF Elementary 4B Photocopiable Communicative Prepositions Juhuslik ratas
EF Elementary 6B. I think you... (gerund)
EF Elementary 6B. I think you... (gerund) Juhuslikud kaardid
English File elementary 6B Ordinal numbers Bingo
English File elementary 6B Ordinal numbers Bingo Juhuslik ratas
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