

Näited meie kogukonnast

4 037 tulemust otsingule 'c1'

 SM1 fruit and veg anagram
SM1 fruit and veg anagram Juhuslikud kaardid
Sicher C1 Umschreibung der Modalverben
Sicher C1 Umschreibung der Modalverben Rühmadesse sorteerimine
Gateway C1 Unit 3 Vocabulary: separable and inseparable phrasal verbs
Gateway C1 Unit 3 Vocabulary: separable and inseparable phrasal verbs Paaripanek
Aspekte neu C1 K6 M2
Aspekte neu C1 K6 M2 Paaripanek
Sprechen über soziale Netzwerke
Sprechen über soziale Netzwerke Juhuslikud kaardid
Speaking B1-B2
Speaking B1-B2 Juhuslik ratas
Welcome 1 Unit 8 Lesson 1 - Food Puzzle
Welcome 1 Unit 8 Lesson 1 - Food Puzzle Pildiviktoriin
CAE Speaking Part
CAE Speaking Part Juhuslik ratas
CAE Speaking
CAE Speaking Ava kast
Sprechen zum Thema "Zeit"
Sprechen zum Thema "Zeit" Juhuslikud kaardid
CAE (C1 Advanced) Speaking Part 1
CAE (C1 Advanced) Speaking Part 1 Ava kast
Habits C1
Habits C1 Juhuslikud kaardid
Roadmap C1_Skills speaking_7C
Roadmap C1_Skills speaking_7C Ava kast
Roadmap C1-C2 1b vocabulary
Roadmap C1-C2 1b vocabulary Juhuslikud kaardid
IELTS Objective_Unit 1_Vocab
IELTS Objective_Unit 1_Vocab Paaripanek
Forumsbeitrag Redemittel C1
Forumsbeitrag Redemittel C1 Rühmadesse sorteerimine
Sicher C1.1 Irreale Folgesätze
Sicher C1.1 Irreale Folgesätze Juhuslikud kaardid
Aspekte neu C1 K6 M1
Aspekte neu C1 K6 M1 Paaripanek
Modalverben - Bedeutungen objektiv & subjektiv C1
Modalverben - Bedeutungen objektiv & subjektiv C1 Rühmadesse sorteerimine
Cities 1
Cities 1 Paaripanek
 Grammar Auction Perfect Aspect
Grammar Auction Perfect Aspect Plaatide ümberüööramine
Outcomes C1 U5L2 Ex.6
Outcomes C1 U5L2 Ex.6 Rühmadesse sorteerimine
Stereotypes about Russians : React and challenge the stereotypes
Stereotypes about Russians : React and challenge the stereotypes Juhuslikud kaardid
U5L1 Ex.1 Vocabulary
U5L1 Ex.1 Vocabulary Lõpeta lause
Use your comparative patterns to compare ...
Use your comparative patterns to compare ... Ava kast
Body language
Body language Paaripanek
 Roadmap C1 1C Infinitive phrases
Roadmap C1 1C Infinitive phrases Paaripanek
Speaking B2-C1
Speaking B2-C1 Juhuslik ratas
Outcomes C1 U5 p.43
Outcomes C1 U5 p.43 Korrastus
Unit 5 Going out, staying in
Unit 5 Going out, staying in Paaripanek
Participle clauses speaking C1
Participle clauses speaking C1 Juhuslikud kaardid
Taboo (B2-C1)
Taboo (B2-C1) Juhuslikud kaardid
Aspekte neu C1 K6 AB84
Aspekte neu C1 K6 AB84 Lõpeta lause
Participle clause
Participle clause Viktoriin
C1 Gradable and Non-gradable adjectives
C1 Gradable and Non-gradable adjectives Rühmadesse sorteerimine
C1_Redemittel für einen Kommentar
C1_Redemittel für einen Kommentar Rühmadesse sorteerimine
Pleasant and unpleasant feelings (B2-C1)
Pleasant and unpleasant feelings (B2-C1) Rühmadesse sorteerimine
Nomen Verb Verbindung Welches Verb
Nomen Verb Verbindung Welches Verb Rühmadesse sorteerimine
C1/C2 The Passive voice
C1/C2 The Passive voice Lõpeta lause
Matching 1 (C1/C2 lexical)
Matching 1 (C1/C2 lexical) Paaripanek
Speaking: studies, work
Speaking: studies, work Juhuslikud kaardid
FCE Speaking Part 1
FCE Speaking Part 1 Korrastus
Success and Failure
Success and Failure Ava kast
Roadmap C1-C2 Unit 2B
Roadmap C1-C2 Unit 2B Leia sobiv
FCE Questions
FCE Questions Juhuslik ratas
Phrasal verbs story telling
Phrasal verbs story telling Juhuslik ratas
Health Idioms
Health Idioms Lõpeta lause
Vocabulary in Use Advanced
Vocabulary in Use Advanced Anagramm
CAE Objective Unite 1
CAE Objective Unite 1 Paaripanek
Oral test: Intermediate, Upper-intermediate, Advanced
Oral test: Intermediate, Upper-intermediate, Advanced Juhuslikud kaardid
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