
Англійська мова Go getter 2

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Go getter 2. Unit 6.1 vocabulary jobs
Go getter 2. Unit 6.1 vocabulary jobs Õpikaardid
Always - never GG1 Unit 6
Always - never GG1 Unit 6 Korrastus
go getter 2 unit 1.3
go getter 2 unit 1.3 Juhuslikud kaardid
Present Continious. Unit 3.2. Go getter 2
Present Continious. Unit 3.2. Go getter 2 Juhuslikud kaardid
Around Town
Around Town Leia sobiv
How many/How much 2
How many/How much 2 Plaatide ümberüööramine
Go getter (1) U1-2 Phrases
Go getter (1) U1-2 Phrases Viktoriin
Unit 0
Unit 0 Õige või vale
GG2 Unit 1.2 They meet before class
GG2 Unit 1.2 They meet before class Viktoriin
Warm-up (Past Simple). Unit 6. Go getter 2
Warm-up (Past Simple). Unit 6. Go getter 2 Juhuslikud kaardid
Using Technology
Using Technology Sobivad paarid
Communication. Asking for and giving permission. Unit 6.4. Go getter 2
Communication. Asking for and giving permission. Unit 6.4. Go getter 2 Lõpeta lause
Get grammar. Unit 6.3. Go getter 2
Get grammar. Unit 6.3. Go getter 2 Lõpeta lause
Go getter 2 - Unit 8 - be going to
Go getter 2 - Unit 8 - be going to Viktoriin
Go getter 2, unit 3, test
Go getter 2, unit 3, test Lõpeta lause
go getter 1 unit 1.5
go getter 1 unit 1.5 Paaripanek
Language Revision. Unit 6. Go getter 1
Language Revision. Unit 6. Go getter 1 Lõpeta lause
Prepositions Leia sobiv
Using Technology
Using Technology Anagramm
Go getter 2 unit 1
Go getter 2 unit 1 Paaripanek
Places in town (1). Unit 5. Go getter 2
Places in town (1). Unit 5. Go getter 2 Anagramm
Complete with some, a/an, any. Unit 2.7. Go getter 2
Complete with some, a/an, any. Unit 2.7. Go getter 2 Lõpeta lause
Present Continious. Unit 3.2. Go getter 2
Present Continious. Unit 3.2. Go getter 2 Rühmadesse sorteerimine
go getter2 0.5
go getter2 0.5 Anagramm
Match the word halves. Unit 2.7. Go getter 2
Match the word halves. Unit 2.7. Go getter 2 Paaripanek
Countable/uncountable. Unit 2.7. Go getter 2
Countable/uncountable. Unit 2.7. Go getter 2 Rühmadesse sorteerimine
Go Getter 2 Unit 1 School items/School subjects
Go Getter 2 Unit 1 School items/School subjects Rühmadesse sorteerimine
Countries and nationalities 2
Countries and nationalities 2 Juhuslik ratas
Go getter 2. Lesson 2.1
Go getter 2. Lesson 2.1 Õpikaardid
Countries Nationalities
Countries Nationalities Õpikaardid
Around Town
Around Town Jälitus labürindis
Go getter 3. Unit 1.3 Hamster Pr Simple / Continuous Hamster
Go getter 3. Unit 1.3 Hamster Pr Simple / Continuous Hamster Leia sobiv
Go getter 3. Unit 2. Shops
Go getter 3. Unit 2. Shops Paaripanek
Go Getter 3. Unit 2. Shopping Label picture
Go Getter 3. Unit 2. Shopping Label picture Märgistatud diagramm
Go getter 1 unit 3.2
Go getter 1 unit 3.2 Märgistatud diagramm
GG2 Feelings Task 2
GG2 Feelings Task 2 Anagramm
Alphabet - order 2
Alphabet - order 2 Lõpeta lause
Go Getter (3) - 4.4 Communication
Go Getter (3) - 4.4 Communication Lõpeta lause
GG2 3.6
GG2 3.6 Õige või vale
Reading vocab Go Getter 3 Unit 7.5
Reading vocab Go Getter 3 Unit 7.5 Sobivad paarid
adjectives describing people
adjectives describing people Paaripanek
As as, too, enough
As as, too, enough Õige või vale
Describing people
Describing people Rühmadesse sorteerimine
Adjectives Order
Adjectives Order Lõpeta lause
School Subjects
School Subjects Poomismäng
Go getter 2 unit 6 jobs
Go getter 2 unit 6 jobs Paaripanek
Revision GG4 Unit 2
Revision GG4 Unit 2 Lõpeta lause
Shopping Go Getter
Shopping Go Getter Paaripanek
Go getter 2 unit 1 school subjects
Go getter 2 unit 1 school subjects Paaripanek
go getter 1 0.3 in the classroom
go getter 1 0.3 in the classroom Anagramm
Clothes. Revision for Go Getter 4, Unit 1
Clothes. Revision for Go Getter 4, Unit 1 Viktoriin
Describing Clothes
Describing Clothes Anagramm
Health Issues
Health Issues Juhuslikud kaardid
Household chores. Go Getter 3. Unit 1
Household chores. Go Getter 3. Unit 1 Paaripanek
Make vs. Do
Make vs. Do Õige või vale
Health Matters
Health Matters Paaripanek
Adjectives revision GG4 Unit 2
Adjectives revision GG4 Unit 2 Paaripanek
GG3 U1.3 Pr Simple vs Pr Continuous
GG3 U1.3 Pr Simple vs Pr Continuous Rühmadesse sorteerimine
go getter 2 unit 3.5
go getter 2 unit 3.5 Mängusaade
Go getter 3. Unit 2. Shopping Quiz
Go getter 3. Unit 2. Shopping Quiz Viktoriin
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