
Дорослі Grammar Irregular verbs

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10 000+ tulemust otsingule 'дорослі grammar irregular verbs'

Make up a sentence Present Perfect
Make up a sentence Present Perfect Juhuslikud kaardid
Past Simple. Irregular verbs. Reading.
Past Simple. Irregular verbs. Reading. Lõpeta lause
Past Simple.Regular/Irregular Verbs
Past Simple.Regular/Irregular Verbs Viktoriin
Вправа 2
Вправа 2 Anagramm
Irregular verbs (II) UA
Irregular verbs (II) UA Leia sobiv
неправильні дієслова
неправильні дієслова Paaripanek
Irregular verbs_Prepare_part 2
Irregular verbs_Prepare_part 2 Juhuslik ratas
Irregular verbs UA (III)
Irregular verbs UA (III) Viktoriin
Past Simple or Present Perfect
Past Simple or Present Perfect Viktoriin
Roadmap B1 Unit 3B Present Perfect vs Present Perfect Continuous
Roadmap B1 Unit 3B Present Perfect vs Present Perfect Continuous Viktoriin
Irregular verbs (Intermediate)
Irregular verbs (Intermediate) Juhuslikud kaardid
Roadmap A2 plus Unit 1A, Make up a question
Roadmap A2 plus Unit 1A, Make up a question Juhuslikud kaardid
Irregular verbs Sonya 1
Irregular verbs Sonya 1 Leia sobiv
Irregular verbs_Prepare_part 4_1
Irregular verbs_Prepare_part 4_1 Löö mutti
Irregular Verbs_part_1
Irregular Verbs_part_1 Paaripanek
Irregular verbs_Part 2
Irregular verbs_Part 2 Paaripanek
Irregular verbs1
Irregular verbs1 Sobivad paarid
choose the correct past form of Past simple
choose the correct past form of Past simple Viktoriin
EF_Elementary 7C_Irregular verbs_1
EF_Elementary 7C_Irregular verbs_1 Löö mutti
irregular verbs
irregular verbs Õpikaardid
Irregular verbs (I) UA
Irregular verbs (I) UA Leia sobiv
 Noun phrases. Roadmap B1+
Noun phrases. Roadmap B1+ Juhuslikud kaardid
Preposition phrases Roadmap A2 Unit 6A Events
Preposition phrases Roadmap A2 Unit 6A Events Rühmadesse sorteerimine
Roadmap B1 Unit 2C grammar
Roadmap B1 Unit 2C grammar Paaripanek
What did they do?
What did they do? Õpikaardid
Full Blast Have you ever...?
Full Blast Have you ever...? Juhuslik ratas
irregular verbs
irregular verbs Õpikaardid
Present Perfect Verbs (pre-intermediate level) Memory Cards
Present Perfect Verbs (pre-intermediate level) Memory Cards Sobivad paarid
Full Blast 5 Irregular verbs 1
Full Blast 5 Irregular verbs 1 Paaripanek
What did you do yesterday?
What did you do yesterday? Juhuslik ratas
Irregular Verbs -ought/-aught
Irregular Verbs -ought/-aught Lõpeta lause
Irregular verbs (різні форми)
Irregular verbs (різні форми) Anagramm
Irregular verbs (III) UA
Irregular verbs (III) UA Leia sobiv
Irregular Verbs (різні форми)
Irregular Verbs (різні форми) Lõpeta lause
Irregular verbs_2d form_part2
Irregular verbs_2d form_part2 Leia sobiv
Irregular Verbs (p.57 + canva slide 7)
Irregular Verbs (p.57 + canva slide 7) Õpikaardid
IRREGULAR VERBS Juhuslik ratas
Roadmap A2+ Unit 4A Word order want' would like and be going to
Roadmap A2+ Unit 4A Word order want' would like and be going to Korrastus
Word order in sentence Past Simple Questions
Word order in sentence Past Simple Questions Korrastus
Irregular Verbs Roadmap A2
Irregular Verbs Roadmap A2 Paaripanek
Irregular verbs Sonya
Irregular verbs Sonya Leia sobiv
Roadmap B1 Unit 2c Vocab
Roadmap B1 Unit 2c Vocab Paaripanek
Kids box 4. Irregular Verbs.
Kids box 4. Irregular Verbs. Viktoriin
Christmas and New Year_ discussion
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Conversation starter Roadmap  Unit 1-5 A2
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Roadmap A2 Put 2-3 questions about the topic
Roadmap A2 Put 2-3 questions about the topic Juhuslikud kaardid
Roadmap A2+ Present Continuous for future arrangements.
Roadmap A2+ Present Continuous for future arrangements. Juhuslikud kaardid
Narrative tenses - questions
Narrative tenses - questions Juhuslikud kaardid
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Roadmap B1 unit 2C vocabulary Viktoriin
Техніки формувального оцінювання
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Present Simple
Present Simple Õige või vale
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Full Blast 5 Irregular verbs 2
Full Blast 5 Irregular verbs 2 Paaripanek
Irregular verbs (5 grade) -o- family
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Business Expressions 1
Business Expressions 1 Paaripanek
Wohnung. Möbel
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Business Expressions 3
Business Expressions 3 Paaripanek
Conversation starter  Successful people
Conversation starter Successful people Juhuslikud kaardid
Roadmap B1+ Conversation starter Unit 1B Place to live
Roadmap B1+ Conversation starter Unit 1B Place to live Juhuslikud kaardid
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