

Näited meie kogukonnast

10 000+ tulemust otsingule 'elementary'

Daily routine
Daily routine Leia sobiv
TIME (o`clock, half)
TIME (o`clock, half) Paaripanek
Outer Space
Outer Space Leia sobiv
English File 4th Elementary 5A
English File 4th Elementary 5A Paaripanek
Speaking: 3 things - must/should (elementary)
Speaking: 3 things - must/should (elementary) Juhuslikud kaardid
Weather Elementary
Weather Elementary Juhuslikud kaardid
Speaking (elementary)
Speaking (elementary) Ava kast
Finish the sentences
Finish the sentences Juhuslikud kaardid
Films and programmes
Films and programmes Paaripanek
Prepositions of time
Prepositions of time Viktoriin
Irregular verbs1
Irregular verbs1 Sobivad paarid
EF Elementary / Jobs
EF Elementary / Jobs Anagramm
Have got. Has got. Speakout elementary unit 3
Have got. Has got. Speakout elementary unit 3 Korrastus
Present Continuous (positive, negative or question)
Present Continuous (positive, negative or question) Juhuslikud kaardid
 Solutions elementary 6E prepositions of movement
Solutions elementary 6E prepositions of movement Viktoriin
Solutions elementary, Question words
Solutions elementary, Question words Juhuslikud kaardid
Tell me about
Tell me about Juhuslikud kaardid
 Solutions elementary opposites 3e
Solutions elementary opposites 3e Paaripanek
Would you like to...
Would you like to... Juhuslik ratas
 Solutions Elm 3E
Solutions Elm 3E Leia sobiv
EF Elementary / U1B / Countries and nationalities
EF Elementary / U1B / Countries and nationalities Paaripanek
4B Daily routine Busy Belinda
4B Daily routine Busy Belinda Õpikaardid
Adjectives Leia sobiv
9A Food and drink
9A Food and drink Õpikaardid
Country - Nationality
Country - Nationality Leia sobiv
11A Elementary Adverbs
11A Elementary Adverbs Viktoriin
10C English File Elementary
10C English File Elementary Õpikaardid
Elementary Speaking
Elementary Speaking Juhuslik ratas
Family. English File Elementary
Family. English File Elementary Õpikaardid
Have to Solutions Elementary
Have to Solutions Elementary Juhuslikud kaardid
icebreaker elementary
icebreaker elementary Juhuslikud kaardid
Have you ever... ?
Have you ever... ? Juhuslikud kaardid
Prepositions of movement NM 3 unit 4
Prepositions of movement NM 3 unit 4 Viktoriin
Placement Test (Grade 5)
Placement Test (Grade 5) Viktoriin
FH 3 Lesson 2 Yes/No questions
FH 3 Lesson 2 Yes/No questions Korrastus
Match Countries&Nationalities
Match Countries&Nationalities Paaripanek
5 Second Rule (warm-up)
5 Second Rule (warm-up) Juhuslikud kaardid
Possessive adjectives
Possessive adjectives Viktoriin
Roadmap A2 (special things)
Roadmap A2 (special things) Õpikaardid
English File Elementary Unit 8C
English File Elementary Unit 8C Leia sobiv
Present Simple (don`t/doesn`t )
Present Simple (don`t/doesn`t ) Viktoriin
Verb "To Be"
Verb "To Be" Lõpeta lause
Comparison of adjectives
Comparison of adjectives Viktoriin
Warm up game for pre-intermediate
Warm up game for pre-intermediate Juhuslikud kaardid
Warm-up for A1 learners
Warm-up for A1 learners Juhuslik ratas
EF Elementary 3A
EF Elementary 3A Õpikaardid
Solutions Elementary Unit 6E
Solutions Elementary Unit 6E Lõpeta lause
Solutions Elementary 2A subjects
Solutions Elementary 2A subjects Leia sobiv
7B  Past Simple(+/-/?) regular verbs, be
7B Past Simple(+/-/?) regular verbs, be Viktoriin
The market (Quick Minds 3. Unit 8)
The market (Quick Minds 3. Unit 8) Paaripanek
9A countable/uncountable ( a/an-some)
9A countable/uncountable ( a/an-some) Viktoriin
Present Simple special questions
Present Simple special questions Juhuslikud kaardid
Outcomes El u1 (Revision)
Outcomes El u1 (Revision) Lõpeta lause
Speak out elementary unit 3.2 vocab
Speak out elementary unit 3.2 vocab Leia sobiv
Solutions Elem 8E suffixes
Solutions Elem 8E suffixes Paaripanek
  Solutions Elementary Unit 9 furniture
Solutions Elementary Unit 9 furniture Õpikaardid
Kas taastada automaatselt salvestatud ?