
English / ESL Adjectives

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10 000+ tulemust otsingule 'english adjectives'

Opposite adjectives
Opposite adjectives Paaripanek
Name the comparative adjectives
Name the comparative adjectives Juhuslik ratas
 Plural 2 (irregular)
Plural 2 (irregular) Viktoriin
Superlative adjectives questions
Superlative adjectives questions Juhuslikud kaardid
Adjectives Order
Adjectives Order Lõpeta lause
adjectives describing people
adjectives describing people Paaripanek
Possessive adjectives
Possessive adjectives Viktoriin
Solutions Interm Unit 6 Forming nouns from adjectives
Solutions Interm Unit 6 Forming nouns from adjectives Rühmadesse sorteerimine
adjectives with -ing and -ed A2 (p2)
adjectives with -ing and -ed A2 (p2) Juhuslikud kaardid
Solutions intermediate U 5E adjectives with prepositions
Solutions intermediate U 5E adjectives with prepositions Paaripanek
 -ed or -ing adjectives
-ed or -ing adjectives Viktoriin
go getter 3 (0.4) adjectives/ with prepositions
go getter 3 (0.4) adjectives/ with prepositions Rühmadesse sorteerimine
Personality adjectives. Unit 1.3. Wider world 1
Personality adjectives. Unit 1.3. Wider world 1 Paaripanek
Possessive pronouns vs possessive adjectives
Possessive pronouns vs possessive adjectives Viktoriin
Adjectives Paaripanek
Adjectives Leia sobiv
Comparison of adjectives
Comparison of adjectives Viktoriin
Present Tenses
Present Tenses Viktoriin
Adjective Suffixes
Adjective Suffixes Rühmadesse sorteerimine
Adjectives (Comparatives&Superlatives)
Adjectives (Comparatives&Superlatives) Juhuslikud kaardid
WW 4 1.5 Personality Adjectives
WW 4 1.5 Personality Adjectives Plaatide ümberüööramine
FF Starter (p. 1- 21) U 1-2
FF Starter (p. 1- 21) U 1-2 Ava kast
2) Прикметники Adjectives
2) Прикметники Adjectives Leia sobiv
Simple Past Tense (Regular Verbs)
Simple Past Tense (Regular Verbs) Viktoriin
Prime Time 2 / mod 5 / Present Perfect
Prime Time 2 / mod 5 / Present Perfect Viktoriin
smart junior4 unit 2
smart junior4 unit 2 Paaripanek
Irregular verbs
Irregular verbs Õpikaardid
Colours Anagramm
Pronouncing the Past Tense -ed Ending
Pronouncing the Past Tense -ed Ending Rühmadesse sorteerimine
present simple (+, -, ?)
present simple (+, -, ?) Lõpeta lause
Prepare 5 NUS Unit 20 Past Simple
Prepare 5 NUS Unit 20 Past Simple Lõpeta lause
Have you ever...?
Have you ever...? Juhuslik ratas
smart junior 1 FAMILY
smart junior 1 FAMILY Viktoriin
How's the weather?
How's the weather? Viktoriin
неправильні дієслова
неправильні дієслова Paaripanek
Present Simple
Present Simple Lõpeta lause
Present Simple (-, s)
Present Simple (-, s) Viktoriin
Past Simple warm-up
Past Simple warm-up Juhuslik ratas
Match Countries&Nationalities
Match Countries&Nationalities Paaripanek
Prepare 5 Nus. Unit 2. Adjectives - Feelings
Prepare 5 Nus. Unit 2. Adjectives - Feelings Paaripanek
ing/ed A2
ing/ed A2 Juhuslikud kaardid
Possessive pronouns
Possessive pronouns Viktoriin
Possessive adjectives
Possessive adjectives Viktoriin
Possessives Lõpeta lause
Go Getter 2 | 4.3
Go Getter 2 | 4.3 Korrastus
adjectives Paaripanek
Name the comparative and superlative adjectives
Name the comparative and superlative adjectives Juhuslik ratas
Extreme Adjectives ww 3 unit 1
Extreme Adjectives ww 3 unit 1 Paaripanek
Adjectives revision GG4 Unit 2
Adjectives revision GG4 Unit 2 Paaripanek
Adjectives Adverbs
Adjectives Adverbs Sobivad paarid
WW4 Adjectives of emotion
WW4 Adjectives of emotion Paaripanek
Focus 2 Unit 1 adjectives
Focus 2 Unit 1 adjectives Paaripanek
Degrees of Comparison of Adjectives
Degrees of Comparison of Adjectives Viktoriin
Unit 8. Taste (adjectives)
Unit 8. Taste (adjectives) Paaripanek
WW 2, Unit  2.3
WW 2, Unit 2.3 Leia sobiv
Adjectives ending in -ed or -ing
Adjectives ending in -ed or -ing Viktoriin
Adjectives for Films GG4 Unit 4.7
Adjectives for Films GG4 Unit 4.7 Rühmadesse sorteerimine
Adjectives (3C) RoadMap A1
Adjectives (3C) RoadMap A1 Paaripanek
Sweets Viktoriin
Professions adjectives
Professions adjectives Sobivad paarid
Kas taastada automaatselt salvestatud ?