
Intermediate pronouns

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Reflexive pronouns
Reflexive pronouns Lõpeta lause
We, they, he, she or it?
We, they, he, she or it? Viktoriin
singular pronouns
singular pronouns Anagramm
Pronouns  Quiz
Pronouns Quiz Viktoriin
Ex. 4, p. 24
Ex. 4, p. 24 Viktoriin
Pronouns I you we they
Pronouns I you we they Viktoriin
 pronouns I you we they
pronouns I you we they Viktoriin
Pronouns Quiz (hard)
Pronouns Quiz (hard) Viktoriin
Personal pronouns: Zootopia
Personal pronouns: Zootopia Viktoriin
Subject and Object Pronouns
Subject and Object Pronouns Plaatide ümberüööramine
Subject and object pronouns
Subject and object pronouns Viktoriin
Subject and Object Pronouns
Subject and Object Pronouns Lõpeta lause
We, they, he, she or it?
We, they, he, she or it? Viktoriin
To be
To be Viktoriin
Object Pronouns
Object Pronouns Viktoriin
To be - questions
To be - questions Viktoriin
Soft C  Hard C
Soft C Hard C Viktoriin
Object pronouns practice
Object pronouns practice Viktoriin
Object pronouns
Object pronouns Viktoriin
Possessive pronouns
Possessive pronouns Viktoriin
Subject and object pronouns
Subject and object pronouns Viktoriin
Subject and object pronouns
Subject and object pronouns Õpikaardid
Idioms (speakout intermediate 3)
Idioms (speakout intermediate 3) Leia sobiv
Present Tenses
Present Tenses Viktoriin
Articles speaking Intermediate
Articles speaking Intermediate Juhuslikud kaardid
Comparative and superlative speaking
Comparative and superlative speaking Juhuslikud kaardid
Placement B2
Placement B2 Juhuslik ratas
English File pre-intermediate 4A
English File pre-intermediate 4A Ava kast
Pronouns Leia sobiv
Irregular verbs (Intermediate)
Irregular verbs (Intermediate) Juhuslikud kaardid
Subject pronouns: he, she, it, we, they
Subject pronouns: he, she, it, we, they Viktoriin
Possessive adjectives
Possessive adjectives Sobivad paarid
English File pre-intermediate unit 1 vocab
English File pre-intermediate unit 1 vocab Paaripanek
Phrasal verbs (Solutions 3 Intermediate) 1E
Phrasal verbs (Solutions 3 Intermediate) 1E Lõpeta lause
Pronouns Paaripanek
Pronouns Rühmadesse sorteerimine
Pronouns Quiz
Pronouns Quiz Viktoriin
Pronouns Viktoriin
have got / has got + pronouns
have got / has got + pronouns Rühmadesse sorteerimine
PRONOUNS Viktoriin
Upper-Intermediate SpeakOut
Upper-Intermediate SpeakOut Juhuslikud kaardid
pronouns Paaripanek
Pronouns Paaripanek
Pronouns Lõpeta lause
pronouns Viktoriin
pronouns Viktoriin
English File Intermediate. Dependent Prepositions, after verbs
English File Intermediate. Dependent Prepositions, after verbs Lõpeta lause
accidents and injuries
accidents and injuries Paaripanek
Name 3
Name 3 Juhuslikud kaardid
Fly high 2. Unit 9. Possessive adjectives
Fly high 2. Unit 9. Possessive adjectives Paaripanek
Make sentences with TO BE (AM, IS, ARE)
Make sentences with TO BE (AM, IS, ARE) Plaatide ümberüööramine
Icebreaker, complete the sentences pre - intermediate
Icebreaker, complete the sentences pre - intermediate Ava kast
Making sentences: This is a/an.... That is a/an..., These are..., Those are...
Making sentences: This is a/an.... That is a/an..., These are..., Those are... Ava kast
What's this/that? Where's this.../that?
What's this/that? Where's this.../that? Juhuslikud kaardid
English File Intermediate: Strong Adjectives
English File Intermediate: Strong Adjectives Õpikaardid
EF Pre-intermediate 1С Clothes
EF Pre-intermediate 1С Clothes Poomismäng
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