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92 tulemust otsingule 'cantonese'

Chinese New Year
Chinese New Year Lennuk
Basic Greeting in Cantonese
Basic Greeting in Cantonese Paaripanek
House - outside in Canntonese
House - outside in Canntonese Sobivad paarid
G.3/4 Match Your Name
G.3/4 Match Your Name Paaripanek
at school
at school Mängusaade
Hello 你好 / Goodbye 再見
Hello 你好 / Goodbye 再見 Viktoriin
Cantonese Measurement words
Cantonese Measurement words Rühmadesse sorteerimine
姓 Last Name VS 名 First Name
姓 Last Name VS 名 First Name Rühmadesse sorteerimine
8 Basic Strokes (Cantonese)
8 Basic Strokes (Cantonese) Paaripanek
Find the missing words
Find the missing words Lõpeta lause
問題生字和意思 Question Words and Meaning (Cantonese)
問題生字和意思 Question Words and Meaning (Cantonese) Paaripanek
量詞 19 Counter Words (Cantonese)
量詞 19 Counter Words (Cantonese) Leia sobiv
K/1 Match Your Name
K/1 Match Your Name Paaripanek
量詞 8 Counter Words (Cantonese)
量詞 8 Counter Words (Cantonese) Leia sobiv
8 Basic Strokes (Cantonese)
8 Basic Strokes (Cantonese) Paaripanek
量詞 12 Counter Words (Cantonese)
量詞 12 Counter Words (Cantonese) Leia sobiv
basic opposite words in cantonese
basic opposite words in cantonese Juhuslik ratas
Christmas Bingo
Christmas Bingo Juhuslik ratas
Cantonese Greetings
Cantonese Greetings Juhuslik ratas
Opposite Review
Opposite Review Paaripanek
Where do these animals live?
Where do these animals live? Rühmadesse sorteerimine
Opposites 相反詞 (Cantonese)
Opposites 相反詞 (Cantonese) Juhuslik ratas
Shapes 圖形
Shapes 圖形 Juhuslik ratas
數字 1-10 (Cantonese)
數字 1-10 (Cantonese) Paaripanek
認字 - Level 1, Set 2.3, v1 (Cantonese)
認字 - Level 1, Set 2.3, v1 (Cantonese) Paaripanek
認字 - Level 1, Set 2.3, v2 (Cantonese)
認字 - Level 1, Set 2.3, v2 (Cantonese) Viktoriin
認字 - Level 1, Set 2.2, v2 (Cantonese)
認字 - Level 1, Set 2.2, v2 (Cantonese) Viktoriin
認字 - Level 1, Set 3.1, v1 (Cantonese)
認字 - Level 1, Set 3.1, v1 (Cantonese) Paaripanek
認字 - Level 1, Set 2.2, v1 (Cantonese)
認字 - Level 1, Set 2.2, v1 (Cantonese) Paaripanek
認字 - Level 1, Set 1.2, v2 (Cantonese)
認字 - Level 1, Set 1.2, v2 (Cantonese) Viktoriin
Who is it?
Who is it? Juhuslik ratas
認字 - Level 1, Set 1.3, v1 (Cantonese)
認字 - Level 1, Set 1.3, v1 (Cantonese) Paaripanek
Cantonese猜水果 Juhuslik ratas
認字 - Level 1, Set 1.2, v1 (Cantonese)
認字 - Level 1, Set 1.2, v1 (Cantonese) Paaripanek
數字 10-30 (Cantonese)
數字 10-30 (Cantonese) Viktoriin
認字 - Level 1, Set 1.1, v2 (Cantonese)
認字 - Level 1, Set 1.1, v2 (Cantonese) Viktoriin
認字 - Level 2, Set 1.1, v2 (Cantonese)
認字 - Level 2, Set 1.1, v2 (Cantonese) Viktoriin
認字 - Level 1, Set 2.1, v1 (Cantonese)
認字 - Level 1, Set 2.1, v1 (Cantonese) Paaripanek
認字 - Level 1, Set 1.1, v1 (Cantonese)
認字 - Level 1, Set 1.1, v1 (Cantonese) Paaripanek
數字 1-10 (Cantonese)
數字 1-10 (Cantonese) Juhuslik ratas
Cantonese class 3
Cantonese class 3 Mängusaade
數字 (零~十) 0~10 (Cantonese)
數字 (零~十) 0~10 (Cantonese) Leia sobiv
認字 - Level 1, Set 2.1, v2 (Cantonese)
認字 - Level 1, Set 2.1, v2 (Cantonese) Viktoriin
認字 - Level 1, Set 1.3, v2 (Cantonese)
認字 - Level 1, Set 1.3, v2 (Cantonese) Viktoriin
認字 - Level 1, Set 3.1, v2 (Cantonese)
認字 - Level 1, Set 3.1, v2 (Cantonese) Viktoriin
認字 - Level 2, Set 1.1, v1 (Cantonese)
認字 - Level 2, Set 1.1, v1 (Cantonese) Paaripanek
House Outside 屋企外面 (Cantonese)
House Outside 屋企外面 (Cantonese) Leia sobiv
At School 在學校 (Cantonese)
At School 在學校 (Cantonese) Viktoriin
My Classroom 我的課室 (Cantonese)
My Classroom 我的課室 (Cantonese) Sobivad paarid
Family Members 家人 (Cantonese)
Family Members 家人 (Cantonese) Leia sobiv
China 中國 vs America 美國 (Cantonese)
China 中國 vs America 美國 (Cantonese) Viktoriin
Transportation (Cantonese)
Transportation (Cantonese) Ava kast
認字 - Level 1, Set 3.2, v1 (Cantonese)
認字 - Level 1, Set 3.2, v1 (Cantonese) Paaripanek
認字 - Level 1, Set 3.2, v2 (Cantonese)
認字 - Level 1, Set 3.2, v2 (Cantonese) Viktoriin
Opposites 相反詞 (Cantonese)
Opposites 相反詞 (Cantonese) Õpikaardid
Basic Shapes 基本圖形 (Cantonese)
Basic Shapes 基本圖形 (Cantonese) Viktoriin
月份 Months
月份 Months Sobivad paarid
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