
English language arts Og

Näited meie kogukonnast

10 000+ tulemust otsingule 'ela og'

two syllable with vce matching
two syllable with vce matching Leia sobiv
Beginning Sound
Beginning Sound Viktoriin
Latin Bases
Latin Bases Viktoriin
Closed or Magic e
Closed or Magic e Rühmadesse sorteerimine
ck or k
ck or k Löö mutti
Open and Closed Syllables
Open and Closed Syllables Rühmadesse sorteerimine
Consonant le
Consonant le Juhuslikud kaardid
Two Syllable Words (Make a complete word)
Two Syllable Words (Make a complete word) Sobivad paarid
Multisyllabic -ar words
Multisyllabic -ar words Juhuslikud kaardid
Plural S says /Z/
Plural S says /Z/ Löö mutti
 Hard c or Soft c
Hard c or Soft c Mängusaade
Magic e Whack A Mole!
Magic e Whack A Mole! Löö mutti
o_e Juhuslikud kaardid
Two Syllable Words vccv pattern
Two Syllable Words vccv pattern Juhuslik ratas
-ar -or -er endings
-ar -or -er endings Rühmadesse sorteerimine
Prefixes Paaripanek
Whack-a-Digraph Löö mutti
Ending Blends
Ending Blends Mängusaade
Consonant -le
Consonant -le Juhuslikud kaardid
Multisyllable Vowel Teams
Multisyllable Vowel Teams Rühmadesse sorteerimine
To Floss or Not?
To Floss or Not? Viktoriin
Beginning s blends
Beginning s blends Leia sobiv
Whack-a-Mole /ue/
Whack-a-Mole /ue/ Löö mutti
Missing word--consonant le
Missing word--consonant le Lõpeta lause
floss  a
floss a Sobivad paarid
Prefixes Viktoriin
Final Blends Balloon Pop
Final Blends Balloon Pop Õhupallide torkamine
ff, ll, ss best friends at the end balloon pop
ff, ll, ss best friends at the end balloon pop Õhupallide torkamine
Under/Over Ava kast
VCCV words
VCCV words Jälitus labürindis
 er    ir    ur
er ir ur Rühmadesse sorteerimine
Alphabet match
Alphabet match Paaripanek
Balloon Pop for  /oa/ and /oe/
Balloon Pop for /oa/ and /oe/ Õhupallide torkamine
/ch/ Löö mutti
Under/Over matching
Under/Over matching Paaripanek
digraphs/L Blends
digraphs/L Blends Juhuslikud kaardid
Do you double?
Do you double? Viktoriin
 Vowel Teams (ee, ea, ey)
Vowel Teams (ee, ea, ey) Rühmadesse sorteerimine
L Blends with Digraphs
L Blends with Digraphs Leia sobiv
Word Sort us vs. ous
Word Sort us vs. ous Rühmadesse sorteerimine
Beginning sounds
Beginning sounds Viktoriin
/oo/ oo, ou, ue, ew, ui
/oo/ oo, ou, ue, ew, ui Rühmadesse sorteerimine
Closed or no?
Closed or no? Rühmadesse sorteerimine
-Ness Reading
-Ness Reading Juhuslikud kaardid
Rhyming Ava kast
Silent E Boom!
Silent E Boom! Juhuslikud kaardid
Kas taastada automaatselt salvestatud ?