
Encoding and decoding

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able/ible boom deck Endcoding and Decoding p. 64
able/ible boom deck Endcoding and Decoding p. 64 Juhuslikud kaardid
to, too, two
to, too, two Lõpeta lause
-ture Whack a Mole
-ture Whack a Mole Löö mutti
-ion hangman
-ion hangman Poomismäng
our and ear /er/ sentence unscramble
our and ear /er/ sentence unscramble Korrastus
ou and ow   /ou/ boom word deck middle school
ou and ow /ou/ boom word deck middle school Juhuslikud kaardid
ear or our /er/ hangman
ear or our /er/ hangman Poomismäng
us vs. ous word sort
us vs. ous word sort Rühmadesse sorteerimine
VC/V Encoding and Decoding p.35
VC/V Encoding and Decoding p.35 Sobivad paarid
Gentle Cindy matching pairs
Gentle Cindy matching pairs Sobivad paarid
aught and ought boom deck
aught and ought boom deck Juhuslikud kaardid
ie/ei open the box sentences Encode and Decode p.63
ie/ei open the box sentences Encode and Decode p.63 Ava kast
Change Rule for Words Ending in y
Change Rule for Words Ending in y Õpikaardid
our /er/ matching pairs
our /er/ matching pairs Sobivad paarid
al and el balloon pop Encoding and Decoding p. 65
al and el balloon pop Encoding and Decoding p. 65 Õhupallide torkamine
-ic /ik/ encoding and decoding p.25
-ic /ik/ encoding and decoding p.25 Ava kast
-ion word matching
-ion word matching Sobivad paarid
oi, oy, ou, ow open the box sentences with points
oi, oy, ou, ow open the box sentences with points Ava kast
Change Rule for Words Ending in Y
Change Rule for Words Ending in Y Õpikaardid
Sounds of G -soft and hard
Sounds of G -soft and hard Rühmadesse sorteerimine
Sort the pictures by short vowel sounds  "i" "o" "a"
Sort the pictures by short vowel sounds "i" "o" "a" Rühmadesse sorteerimine
FLOSS Rule Phonics double these letters
FLOSS Rule Phonics double these letters Viktoriin
Visual Discrimination- Find the 2 Matching Words.
Visual Discrimination- Find the 2 Matching Words. Viktoriin
Welded Sounds -ink, -ank, -unk
Welded Sounds -ink, -ank, -unk Rühmadesse sorteerimine
mixed short / long vowels
mixed short / long vowels Juhuslik ratas
-cal and -cle word spin
-cal and -cle word spin Juhuslik ratas
CVCC Paaripanek
C/VC  CV/VC words
C/VC CV/VC words Viktoriin
ch vs tch We use "tch" after short/weak vowels
ch vs tch We use "tch" after short/weak vowels Rühmadesse sorteerimine
Decoding CVC
Decoding CVC Ava kast
Word Sort Hard and Soft G
Word Sort Hard and Soft G Rühmadesse sorteerimine
Match words w ai, ay and a-e
Match words w ai, ay and a-e Õhupallide torkamine
Syllable Sort (Special Vowels/Dipthong and Bossy R)
Syllable Sort (Special Vowels/Dipthong and Bossy R) Rühmadesse sorteerimine
Sort the pictures by short vowel sounds   "e" "u"
Sort the pictures by short vowel sounds "e" "u" Rühmadesse sorteerimine
Short Vowel Practice
Short Vowel Practice Viktoriin
Decoding Viktoriin
Sort Consonant + le words by first syllable: open or closed
Sort Consonant + le words by first syllable: open or closed Rühmadesse sorteerimine
Consonant + le Syllable Type Practice
Consonant + le Syllable Type Practice Viktoriin
 Match the Rhyming Words Phonological Awareness
Match the Rhyming Words Phonological Awareness Viktoriin
R -Controlled Practice AR
R -Controlled Practice AR Leia sobiv
Sounds of "ow" - Sometimes "ow"'says /oe/ like snow. Other times, "ow" says /ou/ like cow.
Sounds of "ow" - Sometimes "ow"'says /oe/ like snow. Other times, "ow" says /ou/ like cow. Rühmadesse sorteerimine
open or closed syllables
open or closed syllables Rühmadesse sorteerimine
How many Syllables (phonological awareness)
How many Syllables (phonological awareness) Viktoriin
The 7 Syllable Types
The 7 Syllable Types Viktoriin
<er> words
<er> words Juhuslikud kaardid
WR picture match
WR picture match Leia sobiv
Decoding CCVC words
Decoding CCVC words Ava kast
Decoding multisyllable words
Decoding multisyllable words Ava kast
Matching Ending Blends  Phonological Awareness
Matching Ending Blends Phonological Awareness Rühmadesse sorteerimine
CVC Decoding
CVC Decoding Viktoriin
R Controlled Vowel Sort Phonological Awareness
R Controlled Vowel Sort Phonological Awareness Rühmadesse sorteerimine
Decoding CVC words 10 questiond
Decoding CVC words 10 questiond Viktoriin
2 Syllable words (mixed) Megawords 1
2 Syllable words (mixed) Megawords 1 Paaripanek
Sight Word Sort By Syllable Type
Sight Word Sort By Syllable Type Rühmadesse sorteerimine
CVC Decoding 2
CVC Decoding 2 Paaripanek
Decoding CVC Words
Decoding CVC Words Viktoriin
Decoding words with Prefixes
Decoding words with Prefixes Juhuslikud kaardid
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