
Grades 1 6 for pros

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Words with sounds
Words with sounds Leia sobiv
Place Value - Find the Match - Grades 1-2
Place Value - Find the Match - Grades 1-2 Leia sobiv
Math Match up - Place Value - Grades 1-2
Math Match up - Place Value - Grades 1-2 Paaripanek
Barton Sight Words 6.4 ( Set 2 for Level 6)
Barton Sight Words 6.4 ( Set 2 for Level 6) Poomismäng
Analogies Grades 1-4
Analogies Grades 1-4 Mängusaade
Unit 2 Review (Classification of Animals)
Unit 2 Review (Classification of Animals) Mängusaade
FOR or TO?
FOR or TO? Lõpeta lause
Math Baloon Pop Plus and Minus to 100 Super Hard!
Math Baloon Pop Plus and Minus to 100 Super Hard! Õhupallide torkamine
Math Whack-A-Mole Plus and Minus to 100!
Math Whack-A-Mole Plus and Minus to 100! Löö mutti
Suffix Rules Practice for Andrew
Suffix Rules Practice for Andrew Jälitus labürindis
6.5 Jobs of Silent-E 1
6.5 Jobs of Silent-E 1 Viktoriin
Dice Match 1 -6
Dice Match 1 -6 Sobivad paarid
Choose Your Coping Skills
Choose Your Coping Skills Mängusaade
CKLA Unit 2 Vocab.
CKLA Unit 2 Vocab. Paaripanek
Anna's  Doubling Rule Quiz
Anna's Doubling Rule Quiz Mängusaade
Suffix Rules Practice:  1-1-1 Rule
Suffix Rules Practice: 1-1-1 Rule Õhupallide torkamine
Foodword Ristsõna
ild,old,ind,olt,ost matching pairs
ild,old,ind,olt,ost matching pairs Sobivad paarid
-ly suffix words matching
-ly suffix words matching Sobivad paarid
hard-soft c and g hangman
hard-soft c and g hangman Poomismäng
ng hangman
ng hangman Poomismäng
Place Value - Whack a Mole - Grades 2-3
Place Value - Whack a Mole - Grades 2-3 Löö mutti
-le Wilson Book 6
-le Wilson Book 6 Paaripanek
1. Icebreaker - talk for 30 seconds
1. Icebreaker - talk for 30 seconds Juhuslik ratas
th voiced
th voiced Sobivad paarid
Ph matching pairs
Ph matching pairs Sobivad paarid
2 syllable compound words make word R for R p. 74
2 syllable compound words make word R for R p. 74 Paaripanek
Space Juhuslikud kaardid
6.5 Jobs of Silent-E 2
6.5 Jobs of Silent-E 2 Viktoriin
Heart Words Just Words Units 1-6
Heart Words Just Words Units 1-6 Anagramm
Barton 6.12 Open or Closed and consonant-le
Barton 6.12 Open or Closed and consonant-le Rühmadesse sorteerimine
Open the Box 6.5  (Piggies)
Open the Box 6.5 (Piggies) Ava kast
Module 6 Week 1 Vocabulary
Module 6 Week 1 Vocabulary Paaripanek
Barton 6.8-Word Sort
Barton 6.8-Word Sort Anagramm
number 1 to 10
number 1 to 10 Viktoriin
Barton 6.10 Pick Tion or Sion
Barton 6.10 Pick Tion or Sion Mängusaade
ow, ou, oi, oy
ow, ou, oi, oy Rühmadesse sorteerimine
Barton 6.8
Barton 6.8 Rühmadesse sorteerimine
Barton 6.8 Fill in Sentences
Barton 6.8 Fill in Sentences Lõpeta lause
6.6 Dropping Silent E with Suffixes
6.6 Dropping Silent E with Suffixes Mängusaade
Barton 6.4 Boom Sight Words Games
Barton 6.4 Boom Sight Words Games Juhuslikud kaardid
6.5 Phrases and Sentences
6.5 Phrases and Sentences Ava kast
Barton Level 6, Lesson 1
Barton Level 6, Lesson 1 Löö mutti
Barton 6.8
Barton 6.8 Lõpeta lause
Boxes  6.2 Phrases
Boxes 6.2 Phrases Ava kast
C or K
C or K Jälitus labürindis
/f/ words all positions Woozle Game
/f/ words all positions Woozle Game Ava kast
Musical terms for beginners -1
Musical terms for beginners -1 Paaripanek
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