Part of speech
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Part of Speech Sort
Rühmadesse sorteerimine
Figures of Speech
Rühmadesse sorteerimine
Grammar: Plural nouns
Helping verb "to be" - Past, Present, Future
Lõpeta lause
Noun, Verb, Adjective Sort
Rühmadesse sorteerimine
People, place, or thing? 1H
Rühmadesse sorteerimine
What is a descriptive adjective?
Find the VERBS
Rühmadesse sorteerimine
Is it a noun?
Löö mutti
Sentence Sense #10
Rühmadesse sorteerimine
What is a Descriptive Adjective?
Subject + Verb Agreement
Lõpeta lause
Noun or Adjective?
Ava kast
Lesson 13: Where? When? How?
Rühmadesse sorteerimine
Adjective Memory Game
Sobivad paarid
Irregular Past Tense Verbs
Pronoun Whack-a-Mole
Löö mutti
G2 EAL Irregular Past Tense Verbs
Lõpeta lause
Subject and Verb Sort
Rühmadesse sorteerimine
Adjectives - Opposites
Pronouns + helping verb "to be" (was, were, am, is, are, will be)
Jälitus labürindis
Part of Speech Sort
Rühmadesse sorteerimine
Christmas Parts of Speech
Rühmadesse sorteerimine
Valentine's Day Idioms Quiz
/l/ Words - Probe (Init, Med, Final)
Juhuslik ratas
Medial /l/
Juhuslik ratas
Voiceless /th/
Juhuslik ratas
/f/ minimal pairs (stopping)
High frequency /th/ words
Juhuslik ratas
Final /g/
Ava kast
Initial Bilabials
Juhuslik ratas
Prevocalic R
Juhuslik ratas
High Frequency SH Words
Juhuslik ratas
/k/ All Positions
Juhuslik ratas
Mixed /l/ blends
Juhuslik ratas
Fourth of July Vocabulary
Leia sobiv
Function of Object (field of 3/4)
Lõpeta lause
Semantic Absurdities
Juhuslik ratas
R-Blends CR/KR
Ava kast
Conversational Level SH
Juhuslik ratas
Final consonant Deletion
Löö mutti
WH question sort
Leia sobiv
Sea animals sorting
Leia sobiv
Irregular plurals
Which Would You Rather Have
Juhuslik ratas
Stuttering techniques
Juhuslik ratas
Sobivad paarid
Articulation Initial R and L
Sobivad paarid
sh sound words
Löö mutti
Problem solving secondary level
Juhuslik ratas
What am I?
Vocalic /r/ (or + air) coarticulated w/ prevocalic /r/
Sobivad paarid
sh words
Õhupallide torkamine
/SH/ Activity
Sobivad paarid
Juhuslik ratas
Homonyms Sort
Rühmadesse sorteerimine