Sonic or tails
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Sonic quiz remake part 2
Short or Long Vowel? (closed or v-e?)
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Short or Long? Use the correct vowel sound!
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sonic quiz
sonic quiz remake part 1
Closed or V-E? Balloon Pop. Read out loud!
Õhupallide torkamine
who is good
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Juhuslik ratas
True or false anime
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<-dge> or <-ge>?
Sonic Match!
Sobivad paarid
Sonic Mania Quiz
Version 2 of <-dge> or <-ge>?
Verbs with SONIC and PIKACHU!
Juhuslikud kaardid
Sonic The Hedgehog Matching Pair Game
Sobivad paarid
Hit Sonic Characters
Löö mutti
truth or dare questions
Juhuslik ratas
Match the tails to the animals
ch or tch?
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caramella girls characters
guess sonic and Caramella girls
Sonic Challenge
Leia sobiv
Fiction or Nonfiction Sort
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More or Less?
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9.1 Greek or Not?
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Living or Non-living
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has or have
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Math Win or Lose x5
Võida või kaota viktoriin
4.4 ick or ic?
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Math Win or Lose x8
Võida või kaota viktoriin
cial or tial words
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c or k?
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Long or Short A?
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doubling rule T or F
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More or Less?
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Fact or Opinion?
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ge or dge?
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Illustrated Simile or Metaphor
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Balanced or Unbalanced forces?
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Math Win or Lose x2
Võida või kaota viktoriin
Math Win or Lose x6
Võida või kaota viktoriin
sh or ch?
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Math Win or Lose x3
Võida või kaota viktoriin
Sentence or Fragment?
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Vowel or Consonant
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Math Win or Lose x4
Võida või kaota viktoriin
Weather or Climate Group Sort (5th Grade Science)
Rühmadesse sorteerimine
5.5 Doubling rule or not?
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Conjunctions (and, but, or, so)
Võida või kaota viktoriin
Long or short vowel sounds (VCe)
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Is it Setting or Not?
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beginning blend OR ending blend
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Observation or Inference? Match Up
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Real or Nonsense Words CVC
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5.3 & 5.4 Double or Not When Adding +ED or +ING
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Long or short vowel sounds
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Barton 5.1 Plurals S or ES?
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FiS th or f sounds
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Closed Syllable or Open Syllable
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