
Speech therapy Phonemic awareness

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High frequency /th/ words
High frequency /th/ words Juhuslik ratas
Final /g/
Final /g/ Ava kast
/l/ Words - Probe (Init, Med, Final)
/l/ Words - Probe (Init, Med, Final) Juhuslik ratas
SPR Clusters Complexity Approach Articulation
SPR Clusters Complexity Approach Articulation Sobivad paarid
Phonemic Awareness
Phonemic Awareness Mängusaade
SPL Clusters Complexity Approach Articulation
SPL Clusters Complexity Approach Articulation Sobivad paarid
/k/ All Positions
/k/ All Positions Juhuslik ratas
Mixed /l/ blends
Mixed /l/ blends Juhuslik ratas
Initial Bilabials
Initial Bilabials Juhuslik ratas
Medial /l/
Medial /l/ Juhuslik ratas
/f/ minimal pairs (stopping)
/f/ minimal pairs (stopping) Pildiviktoriin
Voiceless /th/
Voiceless /th/ Juhuslik ratas
Phonemic Awareness
Phonemic Awareness Juhuslik ratas
Phonemic Awareness
Phonemic Awareness Ava kast
High Frequency SH Words
High Frequency SH Words Juhuslik ratas
Prevocalic R
Prevocalic R Juhuslik ratas
Rhyme Production
Rhyme Production Juhuslikud kaardid
FIS Lesson 4 Memory Game
FIS Lesson 4 Memory Game Sobivad paarid
Sound Discrimination (quiz lip and tongue sounds ALL)
Sound Discrimination (quiz lip and tongue sounds ALL) Rühmadesse sorteerimine
1.5  Which words rhyme
1.5 Which words rhyme Viktoriin
Sound Discrimination -1st sound ALL Vowel sounds
Sound Discrimination -1st sound ALL Vowel sounds Viktoriin
Short-i and Short-e Sorting
Short-i and Short-e Sorting Rühmadesse sorteerimine
Beginning Sound Match
Beginning Sound Match Paaripanek
FIS 10 - Match First Sounds
FIS 10 - Match First Sounds Leia sobiv
Which one doesn't belong: Ending Sounds
Which one doesn't belong: Ending Sounds Viktoriin
Compound Word Match
Compound Word Match Leia sobiv
FIS 10 Changing sounds - first sound - "What do I get if I..."
FIS 10 Changing sounds - first sound - "What do I get if I..." Leia sobiv
Match the Beginning Sound
Match the Beginning Sound Leia sobiv
/Sh/ or /Ch/
/Sh/ or /Ch/ Rühmadesse sorteerimine
initial Sounds
initial Sounds Viktoriin
SD -  /ch,/sh/, /j/
SD - /ch,/sh/, /j/ Rühmadesse sorteerimine
How Many Sounds?
How Many Sounds? Viktoriin
FIS up to lesson 12
FIS up to lesson 12 Viktoriin
Decoding CVC
Decoding CVC Ava kast
Phoneme Deletion.
Phoneme Deletion. Viktoriin
Short-i or Short-e?
Short-i or Short-e? Rühmadesse sorteerimine
Phoneme Substitution Initial sound to /m/
Phoneme Substitution Initial sound to /m/ Viktoriin
3.6 FIS Vibrating Sounds
3.6 FIS Vibrating Sounds Löö mutti
Decoding CCVC words
Decoding CCVC words Ava kast
1.1 What is the middle sound?
1.1 What is the middle sound? Viktoriin
Odd One Out (A Rhyming Game)
Odd One Out (A Rhyming Game) Viktoriin
Rhyming Pairs - Short a words
Rhyming Pairs - Short a words Sobivad paarid
Syllable Count
Syllable Count Ava kast
Multiple Meaning words
Multiple Meaning words Juhuslik ratas
Change the Verb to Past Tense
Change the Verb to Past Tense Paaripanek
vocalic "ar"
vocalic "ar" Juhuslik ratas
Wordpower-60 Ava kast
/r/ words initial position Woozle Game
/r/ words initial position Woozle Game Ava kast
Find all the S, Z words in the Word Search
Find all the S, Z words in the Word Search Sõnade otsimine
/s z/ Final sentences
/s z/ Final sentences Juhuslikud kaardid
3 Step Directions/Commands #2
3 Step Directions/Commands #2 Juhuslikud kaardid
R first sound Hangman
R first sound Hangman Poomismäng
/r/ Initial word position
/r/ Initial word position Löö mutti
/s/ words all positions woozle game
/s/ words all positions woozle game Ava kast
Open/Closed Vowel Words Divided by Syllable
Open/Closed Vowel Words Divided by Syllable Juhuslikud kaardid
Short-A or Short-E?
Short-A or Short-E? Paaripanek
Medial /k/ words
Medial /k/ words Juhuslikud kaardid
/s z/ Medial Sentences
/s z/ Medial Sentences Juhuslikud kaardid
Kas taastada automaatselt salvestatud ?