

Näited meie kogukonnast

92 tulemust otsingule 'tattum'

Hard c and Soft c, Hard g and Soft g
Hard c and Soft c, Hard g and Soft g Rühmadesse sorteerimine
Comprehension 1
Comprehension 1 Viktoriin
Beware of the Tall King
Beware of the Tall King Juhuslikud kaardid
Comprehension 2
Comprehension 2 Viktoriin
Suffixes Match Up
Suffixes Match Up Paaripanek
Open vs Closed syllable
Open vs Closed syllable Löö mutti
Comprehension 3
Comprehension 3 Viktoriin
Find the /er/ sound
Find the /er/ sound Lennuk
How many Syllables? Tap Them
How many Syllables? Tap Them Viktoriin
Context Clues
Context Clues Viktoriin
Hungry Rule Sort
Hungry Rule Sort Rühmadesse sorteerimine
Open or Closed Syllables
Open or Closed Syllables Rühmadesse sorteerimine
EE/EA homophones and spelling
EE/EA homophones and spelling Ava kast
CY change or not?
CY change or not? Viktoriin
Root Matchup
Root Matchup Paaripanek
Green Walkers
Green Walkers Ava kast
Concept 4 Suffixes
Concept 4 Suffixes Paaripanek
Front Blends
Front Blends Rühmadesse sorteerimine
Does it Bully the Baseword?
Does it Bully the Baseword? Mängusaade
Vowel Tag
Vowel Tag Juhuslik ratas
Hungry Rule
Hungry Rule Viktoriin
Vowel Tag
Vowel Tag Viktoriin
Concept 4 Suffixes
Concept 4 Suffixes Juhuslik ratas
Comprehension/Cause and Effect
Comprehension/Cause and Effect Paaripanek
Open the Box Yellow
Open the Box Yellow Ava kast
Concept 4 Blends
Concept 4 Blends Juhuslik ratas
Yellows Rühmadesse sorteerimine
Find the Match of the Consonant Team
Find the Match of the Consonant Team Sobivad paarid
Rich Words
Rich Words Lõpeta lause
Does the Vowel Walk Away?
Does the Vowel Walk Away? Rühmadesse sorteerimine
Short Vowels Spinner
Short Vowels Spinner Juhuslik ratas
PacMan Does the Vowel Walk Away?
PacMan Does the Vowel Walk Away? Jälitus labürindis
Doubling rule- yes or no?
Doubling rule- yes or no? Rühmadesse sorteerimine
Captain Words Sentence for kids
Captain Words Sentence for kids Korrastus
 Yellows Quiz
Yellows Quiz Mängusaade
Long U Best Vs Rest
Long U Best Vs Rest Rühmadesse sorteerimine
Scribal O
Scribal O Jälitus labürindis
Does it make the Hard of Soft Sound?
Does it make the Hard of Soft Sound? Löö mutti
5.6 Change Y to I and add vowel suffix
5.6 Change Y to I and add vowel suffix Mängusaade
Ay, Ai
Ay, Ai Lõpeta lause
Adding -ous part 2
Adding -ous part 2 Sobivad paarid
/oo/ oo, ou, ue, ew, ui, eu
/oo/ oo, ou, ue, ew, ui, eu Rühmadesse sorteerimine
Multisyllable Words (Nonsense Words)
Multisyllable Words (Nonsense Words) Juhuslik ratas
Nonsense Word Matching
Nonsense Word Matching Sobivad paarid
Concept 4 Suffixes
Concept 4 Suffixes Paaripanek
sl blends
sl blends Löö mutti
Dipthongs: OW,OU,OO,OI,& OY
Dipthongs: OW,OU,OO,OI,& OY Rühmadesse sorteerimine
Suffixe Meaning Match
Suffixe Meaning Match Paaripanek
Step 10 Endings that change words
Step 10 Endings that change words Rühmadesse sorteerimine
Words with Suffixes and Definitons
Words with Suffixes and Definitons Paaripanek
Open and Closed Syllables
Open and Closed Syllables Rühmadesse sorteerimine
Silent E Spelling Rule with Endings
Silent E Spelling Rule with Endings Mängusaade
Which Word has a Long E
Which Word has a Long E Mängusaade
Characteristics/Longer Words
Characteristics/Longer Words Juhuslik ratas
Open and Closed Syllables
Open and Closed Syllables Rühmadesse sorteerimine
Silent Letters
Silent Letters Leia sobiv
Kas taastada automaatselt salvestatud ?